Falling Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 1 Read Online Free Page B

Falling Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 1
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my curiosity get the better of me. Someone tapped me on the
shoulder and I flinched, it was Seth.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Just waiting for you,” I replied, his eyes drifted over my shoulder. I looked behind me to find
Micah standing close by watching me, the cell was gone from his hand. By the way he was looking
at me suggested he knew I had been listening to him.
“Come on lets get you back,” Seth said.
Seth and I stood on the porch chatting for a little while longer. Micah sat slumped in the truck. We
switched numbers and decided it would be the best way to stay in contact because he didn’t have a
computer and I didn’t want mom confiscating any more letters.
I spent the rest of the night on my own, mom was still at work and Frank was out, probably at some
bar somewhere. I finished my packing and ended up on the couch channel hopping in my pyjamas.
There was nothing worth watching not that I would be able to concentrate on anything all I could
think about was Micah and that weird phone conversation.
I kept going over and over it in my head. Had he been talking about me, had he felt me in his head?
Not that I heard anything it was completely blank. Did he know what I could do, did Seth? There
were so many things that didn’t make sense which only left me feeling confused and frustrated.
He talked about bringing her back, who? He couldn’t have been talking about me, I hadn’t left with
him. Who was on the other end of the phone? Micah had told them to stay away from-who-me?
No I was being silly, it probably had nothing to do with me, I was just over thinking it.
All I knew for certain was he was talking about a girl. I only hoped Seth hadn’t gotten himself
involved in some kind of bad trouble.
I eventually went to bed bored with nothing else to do, I laid there for ages before my brain finally
decided to shut down for the night. I fell asleep picturing Micah's face and his icy blue eyes.
    I woke up Sunday morning feeling extremely tired from a restless nights sleep, I had been
completely unsettled all night tossing and turning I was surprised I hadn’t rolled off the bed. This
was going to be my last day in the house I'd grown up in, so many memories mostly of me and Seth
as kids.
My daisy clock read 6.10am. I closed my eyes and tried to drift back off but I heard clattering and
other random noises down the hallway, mom was up already, she was probably already in packing
I trudged along the landing feeling rubbish and pushed the handle to the bathroom door down, it
was locked.
“Ruby is that you?” mom asked from behind the door.
“Yeah it's me, I’ll just wait downstairs,” I said not bothering to hide my sullen tone, I was still mad
at her for keeping Seth’s letters from me.
“No it's okay I’ve finished in here,” she said as the door swung open. She was freshly showered and
dressed but she looked tired from over working. She stepped out to let me pass.
“Have you finished packing yet? I want all boxes moved into the garage today, we're running out of
space downstairs,”
“I finished last night,” I said trying to shut the door but she was in the way.
“Ruby I know you don't want to move, we're not going too far you can still come back and visit
“It won't be the same I’m still changing schools. I wont be able to see her during the week and I’ll
probably get a job that takes up the weekend. I'll most likely never see her again.”
“Oh Ruby don't be so dramatic, there will be holidays,”
“Well I might want to spend my holidays with Seth from now on,” I had purposely been waiting for
the right time to drop it into the conversion about Seth but this seemed like a good as time as any.
“What are you talking about? You know he doesn’t have anything to do with us anymore,”
“Really so that wasn’t Seth I bumped into yesterday on the way home from work then?” I said
slamming the bathroom door and quickly locking it.
“Why didn’t you

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