double doors that Seth held open for me, I walked inside and turned waiting for him.
He was still holding the door open for Micah, but Micah stood there looking at me.
“You coming?” Seth asked him.
“No I’m going to wait out here.” he replied before turning and disappearing around the corner.
Seth just shrugged and let the door swing shut.
We sat down and a pretty red headed girl with a face full of freckles came over to take our order.
There was something strange about Micah and I couldn't stop my wondering eyes from looking out
the window for him, but he was no where to be seen.
“So I take it he’s not hungry?” I asked watching as Seth rearranged the condiments.
Seth looked up. “I guess not, he’s probably just giving us some space to talk on our own.” I nodded
he didn’t have to stand outside on his own though. I couldn’t help myself I knew I was going to
blurt out the next words, whether I wanted to or not.
“He stares a lot or haven’t you noticed?”
Seth smiled. “Micah is or can be...,” he was searching for the right words. “He's not good in social
situations or anything that involves people really. He's probably just curious about you hence the
“Well he could of just said hello or said something instead of just staring,”
“It's just the way he is, he's been around a while and he still doesn’t know how to act normal that's
Been around a while he didn’t look much older than twenty. The food arrived which ended the
Micah conversation.
I learned Seth was working in a factory cutting metal, it sounded dangerous to me but he said he
enjoyed it and the money was good. He told me he lived in a small town called Heaven's Point,
somewhere in Oregon. He lived in a cabin in the forest away from the town, he liked the peace and
quiet out there. We talked about school and the subjects I was enjoying, it was as if no time had
passed. He said he wasn’t happy at the time he had left, mom was nagging him over attending
school and his future saying how useless he was and constantly comparing him to our non existent
father. It sounded like mom was suffocating him and he couldn’t live with her anymore. I was
beginning to feel the same way.
After we'd finished I followed a group of teenagers out the door while Seth paid the bill. I took one
step past the edge of the building to see the back of Micah, he was on his cell. I didn’t like the idea
of walking over to the truck where he would clearly see me, or stare at me. So I stepped back
behind the wall out of view, but not out of hearing distance.
“I still think this is a bad idea, I can't see everything. You need to stay away from her only bad
things will happen if you get involved with her, this won't end well for any of us. I know what
you've been doing the past months I’m not stupid,” he sounded agitated. “Seth is never going to
agree to this. I vote we tell her the truth and leave her here, fingers crossed she believes us and
doesn’t go joy riding.” He paused for a few seconds. “Seriously calm down that was a joke.....I’ll
bring her back,” Micah said. Bring who back?
“Seth really needs to tell her the truth it's going to be really awkward having her around.......maybe?
I'll have to tell Seth to keep a lid on it. She's strong though, I could definitely feel her trying to get
in my head it was weird,”
I realised I’d been holding my breath for too long and let it out. Was he talking about me? Had he
felt me trying to read his thoughts? No one had ever shown any sign that they knew I was searching
through their thoughts before. Maybe it was just him, maybe he could do the same thing? And who
was he talking to?
I stood there puzzled trying to make sense out of it.
Micah went quiet and I couldn't decide whether now would be a good time to walk to the truck or
not, I didn’t want him to catch me listening to his conversation. I tried to move but my feet were
rooted to the floor, I was letting