The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance Read Online Free

The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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    she didn’t respond, but instead began rummaging through her purse.
    Of course, I immediately realized she was likely looking for her inhaler.
    “Whatever you do, sweetheart, don’t panic. Here, let Me help,” I said, taking her purse. I was in a better position to find the goddamn thing. “I saw you with an asthma pump a bit ago. Are you a chronic asthmatic?” I asked, locating the pump.
    I handed her the inhaler and she took a few quick puffs and as deep a breath as she could before grounding out the words “Can’t breathe.” her eyes glazed and her legs started to give. I dropped the purse and quickly grabbed her just before she collapsed.
    Oh shit. This was not happening.
    No. No. No.
    my legs buckled and my blazer fell from my grasp. Before my body met the floor, a pair of muscled arms grabbed hold of me. The voice attached to the arms shouted at the bartender, “Call 911. We’ve got an emergency here!”
    Nearby patrons hurled questions our way. “Is she dying?” “Does she need CPR?” “What’s wrong with her?”
    The Stranger attached to the pair of strong arms ignored all their questions and gently lowered me to the floor as a small crowd gathered. He held my head in His lap as tears rolled down my cheeks.
    i continued to wheeze, struggling for every little bit of air.
    i was going to die on the floor of a fetish club, but all i kept thinking was, Where the hell is kisa?
    “Shh. Relax, sweetheart,” He murmured as He softly stroked my hair. “Relax.”
    He tried His best to soothe me by speaking calmly. “From what I gather, you’re experiencing an asthma attack. Panicking will only exacerbate your symptoms, and that could be fatal.”
    i was so damn scared. my heart felt as if it were going to pop out of my chest. He held His fingers against my neck. i assumed He was monitoring my heart rate.
    “I need you to relax and try your best to breathe through your mouth. Slow and steady. Short breaths.”
    i concentrated on His voice and stared at His lips to keep me calm. It was the only thing i had at the moment. my mind raced with a thousand different thoughts: Where the hell is kisa? Why does this Stranger smell so damn good? Why am i laying on this nasty-ass floor? Why does He have such nice lips?
    He was talking, and i had tuned out most of what He was saying but i continued to watch His lips move.
    Despite my mind running a mile a minute, i followed His instructions and took short breaths. Breathing wasn’t as difficult but it was still an effort. What i was experiencing was easily the scariest moment of my life. my chest ached and my throat felt arid and tight.
    If i am going to die tonight, at least i’ll have a handsome face as a send-off.
    Did i really just think that? Clearly, the panic hadn’t lessened, since i was delirious. Thirty was too young to die; i had so much more life to live. i wanted to visit the pyramids in Egypt, i wanted to learn to swim, i wanted to have an M/M/f threesome, i wanted to run the San Francisco marathon, i wanted to try electro torture, i wanted to pierce my nipples, i wanted to get married, i wanted babies, i wanted to be a soccer mom, i wanted so much. . . .
    If it was my time to go, i didn’t want to be alone. The Stranger was comforting, but i didn’t know Him. Shit, where the hell is kisa?
    As if on cue, kisa screamed at the patrons to let her through. “Holy shit, micah! Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.” she was a frantic and hysterical mess.
    Most people still stood around gawking as everything unfolded. i didn’t like the unwanted attention but there wasn’t much i could do about it.
    The handsome Stranger continued stroking my hair while frowning at kisa. He addressed her through clenched teeth. “miss, an ambulance has been called and they’re on the way. your friend seems to be having an asthma attack, and you panicking while I’m attempting to soothe her is not in her best interest. If you want to help, I’m
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