having noticed her car wasn’t in the drive.
“She left when I arrived, heading back to work.”
“All she does is work. I practically live here on my own. Frank is always out drinking mom's
money away or in bed sleeping a hangover off. I hate it here and we're constantly arguing and now
she’s moving me nearly a two hours drive away from Carly.” I let out a frustrated groan.
“Nothing changes then,” He laughed. “I’m surprised you agreed to let her drag you away from
Carly you two are practically attached at the hip,”
“I don’t really have a choice I’m still in school, I can't exactly get my own place. I don’t suppose
there’s room at yours wherever that is? Anything would be better than living here it's actually quite
He looked at me with a sadness in his eyes or was it guilt for leaving me here with mom on my
“Rubes as much as I'd love you to come and stay with me it's erm....,” he paused trying to find the
right words. “It's not good timing and the place I live is isolated in the forest you’d hate it more than
moving with mom trust me. I don’t even have Wi-Fi set up, maybe soon though. I might move next
year back to civilisation then I promise you can come visit.” It's not safe...... I heard his thoughts. He
did say he lived in the forest maybe he meant the wild animals, maybe there were bears around
where he lived or other four legged creatures with teeth.
“I’d invite you to stay for dinner but we only have the basics left before the move.”
“No it's all right, we've got to hit the road anyway,”
He was leaving already and I didn’t know when I'd see him again. Before I could say anything else
Micah had appeared at the bottom of the steps and was watching us.
“Why don’t we go to that diner, the one we passed by on the way over here?” Micah said looking
down at the steps that he was scuffing his boot along.
I looked over at Seth his face was a picture of confusion as he looked at Micah. Micah stopped
kicking the step and looked up at him.
“Just a minute ago you were complaining you were hungry anyway you haven’t seen your sister in
a while you two can catch up.”
What's he doing?.... I heard Seth's thinking. After a few moments of silence Seth smiled at me.
“Okay.....let me just get the rest of my stuff and we'll go,” he said but he still sounded unsure. “If
that's all right with you Ruby? I'd love to hear how you're getting on at school and everything else,”
“Yeah I'd like that.” I replied noticing Micah, he was stood at the bottom of the steps watching me.
I walked past him trying to ignore his obvious staring, did I have something on my face? I became
self concious and started wiping at my face with the back of my sleeve. Micah pushed past me to
get in front and actually bumped my shoulder. Had I done something wrong?
“Keys I’ll drive,” he said to Seth, Seth chucked them to him and ran back to the house to get the last
two boxes.
I sat next to the door on the journey, Seth on my right and Micah behind the wheel. Micah's
behaviour towards me had seemed a little off, or was I just imagining it?
I casually looked over at him, I thought it was odd I could hear Seth mumbling all sorts of random
things in his head mainly about the radio but I couldn't hear anything from Micah. Seth leaned
forward fiddling with the radio buttons and I watched Micah sideways. I waited for something,
anything but there was nothing he was completely blank not a single word. That had never
happened before, I didn't hear anything. I tried again maybe I wasn't concentrating enough?
I was dumbly staring at him when he caught me, he looked annoyed. I panicked and looked out the
window. What if he knew what I was trying to do? No that wasn’t possible, was it?
We pulled into the diner parking lot, the rain had stopped and the sun was out again. Seth and I
walked in front and Micah strolled behind us which made me feel even more uncomfortable. We
reached the