The Angel's Covenant (The Covenant series) Read Online Free

The Angel's Covenant (The Covenant series)
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over Her. Protect her from harm to body and soul.
Father, support her with your grace when she grows weary. Help her be patient in any trouble which may come her way.
Keep her always mindful of your presence and love. Amen.
May God in heaven protect you on the way… and may His angel accompany you."
    Silently, Elina closes her eyes and pictures a blue flame. She fills her mind with the peace and serenity of the blue light. Opening her eyes she no longer sees the village or people around her.

    Falling to the earth, covered in Holy flames Rephaim’s screams can be heard for miles. Exploding through the dense trees, the weight of his body hitting the ground scorches a steaming groove deep into the dirt. Disoriented and in searing pain, he looks at the still smoldering spots on his body. Listening he hears the sound of a river nearby, stumbling to his feet he runs toward it and falls forward into it. The rush of the cool water momentarily soothes his pain. Rising up out of the water he tries to extend his wings.
    Stretching out his wings he screams in agony. They are burned beyond recognition. His formerly lush ebony wings are hideously scarred reminders of what they once were. Now they are only leathery bones with tattered, charred skin remains. Standing waist deep in the slow moving river Raphaim looks at his reflection. The hideous beast mirrored in the rippling water roars in rage. Gone is the porcelain skin and ageless beauty. His melted face looks aged; the holes that held his beautiful eyes are lidless and full of horror. The skin on his body has hardened to a deep red. Cracked and covered in blisters, his angelic face is hairless, and disfigured. Beating at the water with his burnt fists he struggles to calm himself.
    As an immortal, he heals but this was no normal fire. Holy Fire is pure fire. The burning in his skin is nothing compared to the burning thirst for revenge. Who is the girl? How does she have that kind of power? Slowly turning toward the shore, he steps out of the water and falls to his knees weak and exhausted.  Stepping into the clearing a group of eight warriors fan out in front of him, weapons drawn.
    Sighing heavily Raphaim looks up at them and lifting his hands up as if in surrender, he is not surprised when two of the warriors move closer. The eldest of the group speaks first.
    "Stand Demon, you must pay for your crimes against our people!" Surveying the clearing Raphaim notes that three of the group hold torches and swords, while two further back have crossbows trained on him.         With a burst of unholy speed he snaps his wings open and lunges forward, ripping the heads from the two warrior’s bodies. Twisting around he launches himself toward the warrior holding a crossbow he tears out his throat with a clawed hand. The man with the torch moves to attack him from the left. Now dripping with blood, Raphaim turns as the sword glances off his wing and kicks the soldier into the elder. As they fall to the ground, another warrior launches an arrow at the demon, sinking deep into his shoulder. 
    Shaking with rage, Raphaim is distracted by a sweet smell of the blood surrounding him. Raising a bloody hand, he stares at it and is surprised by his desire to taste it. Two more warriors holding torches attack with sword and flame. Laughing now, Raphaim turns his evil gaze on the soldiers and watches as they explode in flames screaming. 
    Attacking from behind with a growl, a warrior flings his tomahawk toward Raphaim’s face. Fear fills the warrior’s eyes as the demon catches it with a clawed hand. His fear quickly turns to horror as the weapon is engulfed in flames turning to black ash, sifting through his demonic fingers.
    “No more time to play, I’m afraid,” he says leaping forward wrapping the man in his demonic embrace. The temptation is too much for him and he sinks his teeth deep into the man’s throat. He groans in ecstasy as his mouth fills with
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