Keep the Window Open for Me Read Online Free

Keep the Window Open for Me
Book: Keep the Window Open for Me Read Online Free
Author: Elizabeth Ventsias
Tags: FICTION / Romance / General
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disappeared down the hall into his bedroom. It was spotless like always. The only place that Danny was ever messy was in the kitchen. The walls were beige in color giving the room a sense of warmth even in these cold months. Padding across the white carpeted floor, I popped in the movie and crawled onto his king’s sized bed and got comfortable. I knew I’d be waiting a long time. Every week we watched a movie together. If I was lucky, we could squeeze in two movies a week. We didn’t watch them in the living room for the main reason that I always slunk away to his room and put in the movie while he talked to his girlfriend.
    An hour passed before Danny strolled in and pressed start to finally watch it with me. I never began the movie unless he was there with me. There would be no point in watching it alone. He sat on the bed next to me, and I curled up on his side like I used to on those nights that were so far behind us now. However, there was nothing I could do to get those days back.
    We watched the movie together, laughing at some parts, commenting on others, overall escaping the rest of the world, and leaving reality behind. That was the magic that those movies brought us. To him it was just a movie. To me, they gave me some time where the world faded away.
    Rose told me about this feeling one day that almost never went away when she was with her boyfriend Reed. She said that it was like nothing else mattered in the world, and that it felt as if they were the only ones left in it. I wanted that feeling too. I yearned for it every time I saw Danny with another girl or talking to his girlfriend.
    It seemed so blissful that I felt as though if I kept trying, if I somehow worked up the courage to tell him my feelings, I would gain that never ending feeling she had as well. But alas, there was never a good time to tell him my feelings and how they ran so deeply. He was always in a relationship. He was always so far out of reach.
    The movie ended. Danny had fallen asleep near the end as he always did. And I was still wide awake clinging onto his arm with my head on his shoulder. I blankly stared at the credits as they rolled up the screen. My time here was over. I had to go home. I wanted to stay, but I wouldn’t take advantage of Danny’s kindness when he was asleep and couldn’t say no. So like the other nights, I gave Danny a small kiss on his cheek and slid off the bed. I pulled the covers over him and left without a word to disturb him.
    I walked home, hearing the steady crunch of the snow under my feet. There was a time that I remember thinking I could give up on Danny and move on. That time was long ago, two years maybe. It was the same time that Rose had made an amazing discovery about her next door neighbor. It had been so funny what she said that day during our rounds at the hospital. I was cracking up by the end of the ramble. She had run up to me so excitedly.
    “Erin! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! You know that cold looking guy that’s been my neighbor for a few months now?” she asked.
    “Well, I figured out who he was today! It kind of makes me wonder why I didn’t talk to him sooner. Then again he always looked like the standoffish type so I figured I’d leave him alone until he wanted to talk to me,” she said.
    “Well anyway, I’m so excited! I finally remembered who he looked like! You know that tragic novelist that I love to read? Well, he’s him! My neighbor is Reed Evans! Oh my gosh, I want to talk to him now since I’m such a big fan, but I wouldn’t even know how to introduce myself…Hey Erin, have you seen my keys?” Rose said.
    She had been so happy to find out her neighbor’s name. She had had a crush on him ever since he had moved next to her, and now to figure out that he was also her favorite novelist too, Rose had been practically bouncing off the walls with joy.
    I couldn’t help but be happy for her. Her life was going so smoothly and so happily. She was going to
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