I am floating .
He gave me more. Our eyes locked. Our breaths melded, and we had a smile of pure ecstasy on our faces.
“I’m cumming !”
“I want every damn drop, Bella.”
“Can you handle it?” I teased rocking my hips into him.
“I can handle everything you got!” he grunted.
We came together explosively. I came down hard, gasping for air, laying astride Drake’s damp chest.
Chapter Four
I eased out of bed; my body ached in all of the places Drake kissed, stroked, and avidly thrusted . It was a sweet, sweet pain that I could have enjoyed more of, but I was alone.
The smells of coffee brewing and bacon frying wafted in the air when I descended down the stairs. My toes dug into the thick, pile carpet, and my nose was attuned to the mouth-watering scents coming from the kitchen. Quickly, I took in the spacious living room furnished in turquoise and black leather, the magnificent artwork on the walls, and the formal traditional dining room.
I would check out Drake’s home later after I had eaten. My stomach rumbled because yesterday’s lunch had long since been digested. Drake’s sexual appetite had left me ravenous—I wanted a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries, and a cup of Columbian coffee.
When I stepped through the maple shutter doors, I saw Drake standing over the stove. I admired his bare chest and the way his silk pajamas bottom rode low on his hips as he lined up strips of bacon onto a plate.
Damn, he looks good in the kitchen.
“ Buenos días , amor ,” he said, to my surprise. “You’re just in time for breakfast. It’s hot and ready, just like my Latino lover.”
“ Buenos días ,” I replied. “You speak Spanish?”
“ Sí , hablo español , ” he said eloquently as if he had being speaking it his whole life. He gave me a wicked smile, which reminded me when he dined on my cream last evening.
I was surprised by that news. In the heat of passion, I’d really let go, and spoken my desires to him in Spanish. He never said a word but sucked my quivering pussy until I begged for him to stop torturing me. I was mortified standing there in the doorway. I looked down at my attire: I wore no shoes, Drake’s large, navy blue silk robe still smelled like the many hours of our lovemaking.
“I need to take a shower,” I whispered.
Drake’s heady scent was all over my skin.
“Nonsense, the food will be cold, by then. We can both shower later.”
He continued to load the table with my favorite foods. The table was set for two: plates, cups, forks, spoons, and napkins. It was all formal as, if we were having dinner, instead of breakfast. A plate of home fries and empanadillas sat in the middle of the table. Scrambled eggs and bacon sat beside it, beckoning me to sit down and eat. I would take a shower later, and my stomach didn’t argue with that.
“Shrimp empanadillas ,” I said, after popping one into my mouth. “ Mmm , this is delicious. You made them this morning?” I couldn’t believe this man. He was the CEO of Hart Enterprises, a sex addict in bed, and a cook to complete the package. I liked the package so far.
“No, I pulled them out of my freezer. Stella, my housekeeper, made them, so I can’t take the credit for it.”
“They’re really good, Drake. My father makes the best, and Stella’s are just as good.”
“Come. Sit down and eat up, Bella.”
I dug into home fries, my second favorite.
“You’ll need your nourishment for what I have planned for us, today.” The sly smile on his face reminded me how insatiable he could be when he was hungry.
The home fries stuck to the roof of my mouth. I took another swallow of my coffee—which I found strong, and hot—like the man seated before me.
Drake laughed. His blue eyes twinkled as he winked at me when he ate.
I was famished and able to do justice to my own plate. Shrimp empanadillas was another thing we had in common.
Last night, the sex was incredible, and our