Possessed Read Online Free

Book: Possessed Read Online Free
Author: Kayla Smith
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need to be able to see something other than blackness and maybe that will help me fight off the Demon. I just need to try.
    I focus on sight. I tell myself that I can see... I just need to open my eyes. I force myself to see the room we are in. I can smell the scents of my Wolves and it makes this Demon gag. Apparently he doesn’t like the smell of my pack. But I do. I take great comfort in knowing they are near me. Now if I could just see them...
    Suddenly, I can see some light. Though it is just the smallest amount it is still better than nothing. I feel claustrophobic being in a space so small and being unable to move my body. I am on the verge of a panic attack when I hear a voice. It is not the voice of someone I want to hear, but at least I can hear- I'll take that.
    “So- I know you think you can get control over your body, but you can’t. You see, I will control your body until the day it dies because your soul no longer lives. When that happens I will be long done with my plan. You cannot stop me. No one has ever been able to take control of their bodies once I have taken control of them.”
    “What do you want with me? And how is it that you paralyzed my powers?” my thoughts respond.
    “Well, since I don’t intend to let you live, I will tell you my plan.” The voice, the Demon, sounds so sure, as if he knows everything there is to know about me. “I want you because you are powerful, more powerful than any human I have ever met. Your friend John here is just a distraction. I really wanted your partner Alana too. You see, we have been trying to bring you all down for years, and since you have returned it is more important to take you down now while you’re still weak. Annie, the doll that you keep so close to you is your source of power, and I want it. Since I can access your memories I know where you put her. All I need to do is figure out how to get the power from that damn doll into me.”  There is frustration in his tone.
    I can't believe this. This is the second time someone (or some thing) wants my Annie. “How do you know that you can take the power out of her?” I say, unsure if I want to hear the answer.
    “Because, dear, I was the one who helped create the doll. She was meant to trap your Covenant's power to be used against you. I heard that you defeated Arianna a few months ago- I applaud you for that- but she didn’t finish her assignment and I am here to do just that: to get your powers and kill you all.”
    My bodiless spirit inhales a sharp breath. Arianna really was into all this evil crap and even after getting rid of her she is still trying to kill us! “If you created the doll, why don’t you know how to take the power out? And how did it trap our power?”
    He seems a little skeptical if he wants to tell me or not, but he tells me anyway: “A Witch has to cast a spell. She has to say the spell to release the power to her; that is where you come in. Your powers got trapped in there the same way. Not all of them, but the more powerful ones that will make you invincible are trapped in the doll.”
    Wow, more powerful than I am already? How is that possible? Why would anyone want more power? I’m more than happy with what I have now, mostly because I can’t control it all, but still... even I have my Alpha powers that I need to learn to control better. I need to get a message to the pack, or Alana. She needs to hide Destiny until we can defeat the Demon; but how? How can we defeat him, save my life before my soul dies, and save the whole Covenant and my pack? I’m alone in my battle. I have no outside help except for Alana if she really does think something is wrong. I have no idea how to get control over my body and I need to reach my pack. And now it’s getting dark again. “WAIT!” I yell to him and the voice returns.
    “What do you want?” he says, sounding annoyed with me.
    “I want to at least be able to see what you are doing to my friends and family. Can you allow
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