thank you.”
He shoves his hands into his jean pockets and shakes his head slowly.
Several people chuckle.
“I did, however, rename the class to include the word nude which may have brought some of you here.” He points to a few people here and there.
A group of freshman looking guys in the back laugh knowingly.
Good to know this place hasn’t made brilliant synonymous with stuffy.
“OK, OK. Enough levity.” His face turns serious, darker.
“Lights.” He presses a button on a remote that activates the screen above the white boards.
A portrait of a naked woman is projected. I don’t recognize it, but it looks like something from the Italian Renaissance.
“Giorgione’s Sleeping Venus , circa 1500. The contemplative attitude towards nature and beauty of the figure is typical of Giorgione. The composition of this painting was highly influential, despite the fact that overtly public displays of such imagery continued to be restricted for centuries…” he begins.
There is more coming out of his mouth, something about full figured women and a comparison to today’s starving media.
There may have been something about varying ideas of beauty and people’s idea of beauty being more personal before the media blitz.
I don’t know.
I hear everything he says, I think.
The focused look on his handsome face transforms his entire essence from gorgeous professor to intense, mouth-watering, sex god.
I want to touch him.
“In closing, we will also be exploring ideas of beauty as they relate to individual moments captured by the masters and how we can extrapolate some life lessons in being fully present from moment to moment,” he stops to lean against the desk.
He surveys the crowd as our eyes reflect the projection back to him.
He stops somewhere in the middle again. There’s a raw darkness in his voice now, “Experiencing beauty and pleasure is our right. And when one is privileged enough to attend one of the most prestigious institutions in the world—it is our duty.”
For a second I swear he’s looking at me.
“Thank you.”
CHAPTER 5 Billionaire Secret: The Ride
The next two weeks pass in a blur.
My classes are phenomenal. My surroundings are straight out of Harry Potter . My peers are the most interesting people I’ve ever met.
We were all of us unique, and yet the same. The insatiable curiosity and general thirst for knowledge is palpable everywhere you go.
It’s a feast of beauty, and knowledge, and luxury, and conversation 24/7.
There are improv comedy shows to attend, a cappella concerts, new clubs to look into, famous people giving lectures.
There are also midnight discussions with people down the hall that move between the state of the American education system and drinking games like Never Have I Ever —always ending with pizza at 4 AM.
The only time my newfound fire stirs is in my art history class.
With every lecture Professor West becomes more and more alluring. More of a sex god.
Sometimes I imagine that he sees me ogling him and knows what I am thinking, but it is a big lecture…
At least that’s what I keep telling myself so the embarrassment doesn’t show.
Because if he knew what I was thinking…
There would be nowhere for me to hide.
During the last couple of days, my desire had grown more intense.
I find myself having those familiar in between moments as I walk from building to building, listening to my iPod.
Damon continues to star in them even though I haven’t laid eyes on him since that first night.
These in betweens are different from high school. They had escalated.
My mind had been drifting to Damon since last April. The fantasies were an escape from the to do lists and the overwhelming monotony of those last few months before leaving home.
But here I was surrounded by a smorgasbord of stuff that fed my hunger for experience.
So of course my little fantasies had risen to such a level of intensity that sometimes I had to stop,