tires spinning on the dirt, she stood up and put distance between her and Keith.
He followed her. “Was anything you told Amanda true, or are you just completely full of shit?”
“Hey, I haven’t been camping in years. And, for your information, I never asked to come on this trip. If I’d been told in advance to prepare for this, I’d have packed appropriately.”
He stared at her for longer than a comfortable moment, his lips pursed. “You realize the reason Amanda hasn’t moved out yet is because of you, don’t you?”
“No it’s not. And where is this coming from?”
His mood shifted to something darker. He stalked forward, getting in her space, forcing her to back up. She ended up tripping over one of the tent ropes, falling back on her rear end, and scraping her palms on the ground.
“There a problem here?” A deep baritone came from directly behind her. Without getting up, she tilted her head back and looked up, up, up at the man standing less than a foot away.
“Who are you ?” asked Keith.
The mystery man bent over and helped her to her feet. His arm was thick with muscle. When she looked up at his face, he smirked playfully and gave her a wink. “My name’s Ben,” he said to her, ignoring Keith. Keith would be a fool to put on his macho display for this guy. He had to be a head taller and twice as broad. She couldn’t stop staring—was she drooling?
“Thanks for that. I’m Bella.” She broke eye contact and brushed the dirt from her jeans.
Keith stepped forward, and as if countering his movements, Ben stepped between them. “You camping near here? We’re in need of supplies. Is there a store nearby that you know of?”
“I’m with a small group of hunters. You won’t find any civilization around here for at least an hour’s drive.”
“Fuck,” Keith muttered, and kicked the cooler nearest him. The glass beer bottles inside clattered together.
Ben put an arm around Bella’s shoulder and led her away. His hand was big and so warm when her body shivered internally. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine. Just scraped my hands.” And bruised my ass. He stopped dead and grabbed her wrists, turning her hands palm side up. He frowned as he examined her.
“I should take care of this. It’s better if you come with me. I have a first-aid kit at my camp. Besides, you’re freezing, and we have a fire going.”
“I’ll come along,” said Keith from the distance.
Ben’s calm aura transformed in an instant as his odd greenish-yellow eyes narrowed. “I didn’t invite you.”
“But you invite her ? For a scratch?”
Ben took a deep breath, the tick in his jaw going strong.
“I can’t leave my friends,” said Bella. Or let you take me into the woods alone. She had no clue who this guy was, even if he’d been a gentleman. “Maybe you could help us build a fire?”
Her sexy stranger ran his hands up and down her arms to create warmth from friction. His touch sent tingles all the way to her clit. How long had it been since she’d been with a man? She couldn’t even remember exactly. This blond stud brought out all her base desires. Ben had such a magnetic aura that reined her in effortlessly. He may not have realized the significance of saving her from Keith, but it meant a lot to her. “Okay. I don’t want you to be cold. But you should still consider my offer.”
Within minutes of bending down beside Keith and Dave’s fire pit, Ben had the beginnings of a healthy fire going. She didn’t know how he’d done it without flint or a lighter. Bella could respect a man’s man, one that knew how to survive in the wilderness. It was a turn-on. Not that his shaggy mop of dirty-blond hair, perfect white teeth, and classic good looks had anything to do with her escalating hormone levels. His tall, leanly muscled body, with biceps straining in the sleeves of his white T-shirt, did nothing for her. Yeah, right! All she could think about was him wrapping those strong arms around