Ignited & Unhinged (Billionaire Secret, Book One)(Billionaire Romance, New Adult Romance, College Romance) Read Online Free Page A

Ignited & Unhinged (Billionaire Secret, Book One)(Billionaire Romance, New Adult Romance, College Romance)
Book: Ignited & Unhinged (Billionaire Secret, Book One)(Billionaire Romance, New Adult Romance, College Romance) Read Online Free
Author: Lexi Summers
Tags: Coming of Age, love triangle, new adult, college, Erotic Romance, Billionaire, new adult romance, billionaire romance, College romance, Comedy, American Royalty
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mid-walk, shake my head and take a deep breath.
    It was hard to look normal when my mind kept drifting to Damon.
    Damon knocking on my door and throwing me back on my bed.
    Damon grabbing my hand and pinning me with his body against some dark, Gothic archway.
    Damon leading me to his room and having his way with me…
    I was so crazed that I had made up my mind.
    My fantasies would become a reality the next time the opportunity presented itself.
    Time to take it to the next level.
    Time to go after what I want and make it happen.
    There is another rooftop party at SE tonight. It’s a tradition to celebrate the end of the first two weeks of classes.
    My insides squirm at the thought. Somehow I know I’ll get my chance.
    I’ll need more red lipstick. More vodka.
    But big things were going to happen.
    My stomach drops again.
    Damon .
    “To us ladies!” Jasmine holds up her shot glass. “We are brilliant, we are beautiful and we are badass!”
    We are all smiling. Excited by the moment. Jasmine was always so blunt. Always said what we were all feeling, but wouldn’t say out loud.
    In that moment, I felt like I was all of those things.
    And I wasn’t going to let any self-doubt ruin my college high.
    Or my plan.
    “Drink up Chicas,” Ana demands as we lift our tequila shots and throw them back.
    Ana, short for Adriana Franco, is from Los Angeles and bears a striking resemblance to Salma Hayek.
    We are all here. The four suitemates. Ana, Jas, and Kim.
    So far college had been pretty full on and we hadn’t had another opportunity to get everyone together for a night out.
    Ana had nearly missed it. She had spent the day in the library and had lost track of the time.
    That seemed to happen to all of us. A lot.
    The main library on campus, The Stacks , is nine stories tall. The smell of musty books and the knowledge of millions of voices is intoxicating to nerds like us.
    And let’s face it, even though my suitemates all looked stunning tonight—worthy of a spread in Harper’s —we were all nerds at heart.
    We wouldn’t have gotten here otherwise.
    The Stacks is one of my favorite places. Filled with magic and intrigue.
    Or maybe it’s just me.
    Ana pours us another round. I’m knew to tequila—like so many things—but I’m surprised by how smoothly it goes down.
    “No, no, no. Tomorrow’s Saturday, there are so many things going on. I don’t want to get smashed tonight…” Kim hesitates as Ana pours her shot so it overflows and drips down to the floor.
    Then she turns and flashes a much less bashful smile, “I want to get smashed tomorrow night,” she finishes.
    “Oooohhh,” we all laugh at the distinction.
    “Last one, promise,” Ana says as she finishes pouring.
    “Anyone have another toast in them?” she asks.
    “I’ll go,” I start, already feeling emboldened by the possibilities of the night.
    “Ladies, my lovelies, here’s to all the times we stayed up late just to get it right, to all the times we had to sacrifice the simple pleasures to get here. When we couldn’t go to that party,” I look at Kim knowingly, “when we had to say no to dating that special boy—” I look at Ana and then at Jas.
    “Speak for yourself!” Jas quickly cuts me off with mock indignity.
    We all knew Jasmine was a free spirit. And unlike the rest of us, she had managed to get all her work done and regularly hook-up with the latest male specimen that caught her eye.
    She was liberated—she had needs and she was going to get them met…and then get back to work.
    “Alright, alright. To those of us who said no to the dates, to the parties, to get us here. Right now, in this moment—to our pleasure!” I finish.
    “Here, here Luv!” Jas agrees eagerly.
    Our glasses clink together.
    We finish our drinks and place our phones on the mantel of our fake fireplace.
    It is our first picture together. Although we hadn’t planned it, we are all dressed in beautiful tight black dresses.
    There are satins and
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