The First Time We Met: The Oxford Blue Series #1 Read Online Free

The First Time We Met: The Oxford Blue Series #1
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line the walls and there’s a massive painting at one end that looks like a Reubens to me, but has to be a copy or after his style. There’s no way an original would be left on display without security.
    ‘Quick, let’s get a table near the fire.’
    Great idea, I think, as my fingers begin to turn blue.We hurry along the aisle between the tables, past the huge stone hearth where a group of College Fellows huddles, dressed in their academic gowns.
    ‘Oh, look, there’s Freddie and Rupert. Now you can meet them.’
    Immy throws her arms round a guy who’s so tall he has to stoop to accept her kiss, and when she’s planted one on his lips, he seems amazed at the attention. He sticks out a hand awkwardly towards me.
    ‘I’m Freddie.’ He turns red to the roots of his hair.
    ‘Lauren,’ I say, trying not to laugh.
    ‘Now, where’s Rupes got to? Rupes! Rupes! Come here!’
    A well-built guy in a tweed jacket detaches himself from a group and saunters over.
    ‘Hawthorne. How the fuck are you? How was your vac? His voice is lazy and upper-class, like Alan Rickman in
Sense & Sensibility
    ‘Not too bad I suppose. I spent most of it hanging out in Rock until Daddy dragged me home to do some work. What about you?’
    ‘Ibiza mostly, shame you never made it over – I’m setting up a club there.’ He rakes a hand through a sandy thatch of hair. I guess he’s kind of good-looking, maybe like I imagine a young Doctor House to be, but with more charm.
    He narrows his eyes as he finally spots me and looks me up and down from top to toe. Why do I get the feeling I’m being sized up like a polo pony?
    ‘Who is
    Immy grabs my arm. ‘Lauren Cusack. New master’s student. Her room is on my staircase.’
    ‘Hello, Lauren. I’m Rupert de Courcey.’ He holds out his hand.
    ‘Good to meet you, Rupert.’
    He raises a bushy eyebrow. ‘You’re American.’
    I grit my teeth as he grips my hand. Why do some guys think that mashing a girl’s bones signals they have a big dick? I resist the urge to rub my mangled fingers and flash him a smile. ‘Yes, so it seems.’
    ‘Excellent.’ His eyes light up like he’s scented a fox, but he stands back so that I can take my seat on the bench first. ‘Be careful how you get your leg over,’ he says.
    Everyone around me sniggers and I roll my eyes. It’s not easy lifting my leg elegantly over the bench seat, but I manage and he slides in beside me, the tweed of his jacket scratchy against my bare flesh. Wow. That cologne is powerful. I’d really prefer not to have him as my neighbour, but there’s no way I can wriggle out now and he’s Immy’s friend so he can’t be so bad.
    The buzz in the hall quietens and one of the Fellows calls out something unintelligible in Latin.
    ‘Grace,’ Rupert hisses in my ear.
    ‘Thanks, I worked that one out.’
    ‘Clever girl. Now, let’s get stuck into the wine.’
    Grace being done, the hall erupts with the noise of glasses clinking and plates clattering. The waiting staff carries in the first course, smoked salmon with a salad. I ought to be starving after my flight, but I’m too excited to eat much. Immy picks at her fish too, but Rupert hasdemolished his portion and has moved on to her leftovers. Her eyes sparkle as she chatters away, obviously in her element among her gang of friends, both guys and girls. I’m used to striking up conversations with all manner of people on social occasions, but this grand hall, the accents and the sheer confidence of almost everyone around me, have foxed me a little.
    Immy picks up the Sauvignon bottle and turns to Rupert. ‘Where’s Alexander? I thought he was coming to the welcome dinner.’
    ‘I could tell you but then he’d probably have to kill me. Fuck knows.’ Rupert refills his own glass with claret. ‘Maybe he’s at some spooks bonding session or shagging Valentina.’
    ‘Really? I thought they split up ages ago!’
    ‘So he says, but who knows with Alexander and,
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