Burning Read Online Free

Book: Burning Read Online Free
Author: K.D. Carrillo
Tags: dpgroup.org, Fluffer Nutter
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single female who has managed to keep my attention since the moment I looked into her big brown eyes.  When we shook hands, I felt like I had grabbed a live wire, but it was a good feeling.  I don’t know why I freaked out and pushed her away.  It’s not like she fought me about it though.  She practically ran to be with the dead guy.”
    “She really liked you , Finn, and then you treated her like she had the plague when you found out what you are.  Even still, she waited around for you for a week.  That was more than you deserved since you weren’t officially dating then.  Grey came along and showered her with attention.  She didn’t betray you,” I argued.
    “I know that.  But come on, Dean.  She loved the guy.  I could see that.  If we were destined, if we were supposed to be bound for life, how could she fall for someone else?”
    “She’s a witch . They don’t respond the way we do.  However, I don’t think that she was in love with him.  She loved him, sure, but I don’t think that she ever stopped thinking about you.  As far as being bound together… Well, there is a reason that I have been holding out on Anita, because I’m not the only one affected by it.  I want her to be sure that she wants to be with me forever.  I want her to decide. That way, when the magic or biology or whatever you want to call it kicks in, she doesn’t blame me for taking away her choices.”
    “Are you sure that sex will impact them the same way it will us?” he asked. 
    “Yeah. My aunt is a scientist, and she has done a lot of research about this.  It all has to do with pheromones and magic, but basically, our bodies change each others’ until we are only compatible with each other.  If one of us were to die before we fully matured, the other might die too.”
    I growled . I couldn’t help it. We were so close but still too far from the new house. 
    “Getting antsy?” Finn teased.  Finn had started absentmindedly rubbing his chest.
    “I can’t wait to see her. I can’t believe I let you talk me into an entire month away from her.  It feels like my skin is vibrating and my blood is burning through my veins,” I replied.
    Finn’s unnaturally blue eyes opened wide.  He chuckled once without humor.  “Is that why I feel like this?”  I raised an eyebrow in question.  “You know, like my skin is too tight and my heart can’t beat under the strain,” he continued. 
    “Yeah . Apparently, not being fully bonded to your mate hurts.  I hope Anita doesn’t take too much longer to make up her mind.  Not that it will make a difference, because I’ll never want anyone else anyway.”
    “Even if she decides that this is too much for her and wants to date someone else?” Finn asked , stunned. 
    “Even if.  Look , she’s all I want, and she’s worth the risk.  Isn’t Chloë?” I asked him even though the answer was obvious. 
    “Yeah, she’s worth it,” he mumbled.  
    “Well then I guess you’ve decided to prove to her that you’re serious,” I replied. 
    I turned down a country road, passed by a hay field, and drove down a long, private gravel drive.  I pulled up in front of a large, restored two-story farmhouse.  It was light yellow with brown shudders and a beautiful carved oak door.
    “I thought Chloë said she bought a ‘cute , little old farmhouse’?” I commented. 
    Finn laughed . “You saw the Council’s palace in France.  To Chloë this is little.”
    The front door flew open and suddenly Anita was standing on the top step.  “I think you were missed,” Finn observed.  His mouth turned down a little until Chloë walked out and stood next to Anita.  She smiled slightly, and he smiled in return. 
    It seemed we were back to where we started —he four of us hanging out, the two of them awkwardly trying to figure out what they were to each other while I waited for Anita to make up her mind. 

Chapter 2
    Baby Steps
    The distinctive
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