Lonestar Sanctuary Read Online Free

Lonestar Sanctuary
Book: Lonestar Sanctuary Read Online Free
Author: Colleen Coble
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, Christian
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but she
didn't scream. Allie felt a sharp pain on her cheek and another on her
arm. The loud buzzing disoriented her, but she reached for Betsy. Four
or five bees clung to her top. Allie swatted them off, too intent to even
flinch at the stings in her fingers.
    Maybe there were some under the fabric. Allie pulled the T-shirt
over Betsy's head and found two more bees clinging to the underside.
She shook them off, then grabbed her daughter's hand and ran.
Another bee stung her in the back of the arm, and she swiped at it,
knocking it to the ground. They reached the road and left the bees
behind. Silent tears rolled down Betsy's face, and she held her arm.
    Allie slipped the top back onto her daughter. "Oh Bets, I'm sorry.
It was my fault. Do the stings hurt?" She pulled Betsy close. The little
girl wrapped her skinny arms around Allie's neck and buried her face
in her chest. Allie rubbed the soft skin of the little girl's arm. The
stings were already swelling.
    Allie thumbed Betsy's tears away. "Let me check for stingers.
There might be some left in your skin."
    "I saw what happened."A man's voice came from the truck idling
five feet away. "The little girl okay?"
    Allie had forgotten all about the approaching vehicle. She glanced around for a stick or some kind of weapon. There was nothing. Edging
her daughter behind her, she backed up.

    "That was a pretty stupid thing to do." His voice went flat. The
truck door opened, and a man stepped out and moved into the
    Allie's nails bit into her palms, and she struggled to hold back the
words she wanted to say. With the lights blinding her, she got only a
brief impression of his bulk and height. Betsy sounded like she was
about to hyperventilate.
    "Stop, don't come any closer!" Allie edged further away. "I've got
a gun." She put her hand in the pocket of her jeans like there was really
something there.
    He squatted near Betsy. "Are you hurt, honey? Let's go get something on those stings." His voice was surprisingly gentle.
    Betsy edged her wet face around Allie's waist, and her death grip
loosened. Allie stared at her daughter. She didn't trust easily, but she
pulled away from Allie and stepped toward the man. Anyone who
coaxed a bit of trust from Betsy deserved a second look.
    "She has several stings,"Allie told him. Her own fingers throbbed
with stingers, but she'd get them out on her own. Putting her fingers
to her mouth, she pulled one out with her teeth.
    "Let me see. Come in front of the headlights." He leaned into the
truck and rummaged in the glove box. Carrying a first-aid kit, he
moved to the front of the vehicle. "It won't hurt," he said to Betsy,
who lowered her head and moved slowly. "Show me the stings."
    Betsy held out her arm without looking at him. "Looks like the
stingers are still there." He pulled out his wallet and extracted a credit
card, which he swept over the marks. "Got them!" He opened the kit
and pulled out a can.

    "Is that deodorant?"Allie asked.
    "Yep. Meat tenderizer is better, but aluminum chlorohydratc reduces
the effect of bee venom too." He sprayed Betsy's arms and neck. "Better?"
    Betsy nodded, still not looking at him.
    He stood and nodded to the north. "Was that your old rattletrap
down the road? You need some help?"
    "I could use a jump," she said. She kept her voice cool. Rattletrap
indeed. Maybe it was, but the comment held too much contempt for
her liking.
    "Hop in."
    Her trust would only go so far. "We'll meet you down there. Who
are you, anyway?"
    His sigh was loud and exasperated. "Look, lady, I'm not an ax murderer. Just get in the truck, and I'll give you my resume later."
    Betsy shrank back at his harsh voice and buried her face in Allie's
    Instantly, the man squatted. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm not mad." Betsy
peeked at him from between her fingers, and he smiled. He stood and
put his hands in his pockets. "It's not safe to walk out here by yourself.
I'll let you drive my truck
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