Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance Read Online Free

Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance
Book: Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance Read Online Free
Author: Jennifer Ashley, Bonnie Vanak, Erin Kellison, Alyssa Day, Felicity Heaton, Erin Quinn, Caris Roane, Laurie London
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Mabel gnawed at Elizabeth as she answered the questions. Liam still had her cell phone. He glanced at it from time to time, his face grim.
    Elizabeth concluded shakily, “So I know that if Ronan hadn’t been there, Marquez would have killed me.”
    “But you don’t actually know that,” the prosecutor said in his condescending way. “That’s only what you guess.”
    That did it. The gloves came off. “Look, I grew up with kids like Marquez,” Elizabeth said. “Any guilt or conscience in him went away a long time ago. He only deals in
-then questions.
I can identify him,
he shoots me. In his mind, I was dead as soon as he walked in the door. End of story.”
    The prosecutor shrugged apologetically at the judge. “It’s still only what she thinks.”
    At that point, Liam got up and went to the door again. He held a murmured exchange with the bailiff, who did not look happy, but the bailiff let him out.
    “Defense counsel, any questions for the witness?” the judge asked.
    So far Kim had listened with a calm look on her face, not objecting to anything the prosecutor had said. Elizabeth had stood in front of judges before—sometimes as the defendant—and a good defense counsel would have been all over the prosecutor’s overly leading questions.
    “I have only one, Your Honor,” Kim said. She turned to Elizabeth, her face expressionless, professional. “Ms. Chapman, tell me, at any time—before, during, or even after the scuffle—did Ronan’s Collar go off?”
    Liam reentered the room. Behind the bailiff’s back, he gave Elizabeth a thumb’s up, and Elizabeth somehow knew that Mabel was all right. Her legs nearly buckled in relief. But what had Liam done?
    “Ms. Chapman?” Kim asked, waiting.
    “Uh—go off? What does that mean?”
    Kim said, “When a Shifter tries to attack someone, the Collar around his neck shocks him. It’s very obvious—you’d see a white-blue arc running all the way around the Collar, sparking like those plasma balls. The Collar causes a lot of pain and stops the Shifter. They’re programmed to suppress a Shifter’s instinct to kill.”
    Elizabeth replayed the awful scene in her mind, remembering the swift silence with which Ronan had burst through her office door. She closed her eyes and made herself remember every detail. Ronan’s huge face, the Collar clasping his big neck, the power in his gigantic body as he knocked Marquez to the ground.
    She opened her eyes. “No. I didn’t see anything like that. The gun went off and hit Ronan, but his Collar never sparked. I think Ronan was just trying to take the weapon away from Marquez.”
    Kim turned back to the judge, looking as professional as ever, but with a sparkle of triumph in her eyes. “There’s a whole ream of scientific data on Shifters as to why they can’t commit an act of violence while they wear Collars. If the Collar didn’t go off in Ms. Chapman’s store, that means my client had no malicious intent toward Marquez. My client saw the danger to Ms. Chapman and stepped in to make sure she wasn’t hurt, and in the scuffle to keep the gun away from Marquez, Marquez was knocked unconscious. If my client had any intent to hurt or kill, the Collar would have had him in agony, even a big man like him.” Kim walked to the judge’s bench, rose on tiptoe, and laid a thick folder on it. “Here are a few of the many studies done on the Collars. I can produce more if Your Honor needs them.”
    The judge looked irritated. She flipped the file open, flipped it closed, gave Kim a dirty look, and sent a nastier one to Ronan.
    “I’m going to let your client go,” she said. “Not because you make a good point, Ms. Fraser. Partly it’s because Marquez has previous arrests for armed robbery, and Ms. Chapman’s story is plausible, but mostly because it’s late and I want you all out of my courtroom. But I’m going to tell you, Mr. Ronan, to confine yourself to Shiftertown and not leave it for one month. I
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