seals.” This
book could only be opened by the Messiah. When the first seal was broken
(Revelation 611), this was synonymous with the opening of the “sealed book.” It
signifies not only the beginning of the end times, but the first step in the
execution of the legal “covenant,” or contract between mankind and the God of
Heaven. The Mesopotamian deities had their own seals for marking their
property, or for giving their agreement to legal documents. Seals were used to
signify the property or agreement of the administration. 15 Therefore, when the “sealed” book of Revelation was opened, the legal agreement
was enacted. Phase one of the agreement has been bequeathed to us. In other
words we have “inherited” part of our reward, and steps are being taken to
ensure that the rest of the contract will be fulfilled. But, what is the
purpose of this hidden computer code in the Bible? How can these messages
inside a message be part of our inheritance?
Code is Part of Legal Contract
The code
itself provides “computer projected probabilities” for the fate of mankind. It
appear that
someone knew all physical, political, and scientific data relating to earth,
and were able to feed it into some super-sophisticated computer. As a result,
they had the future as a series of “projected probabilities.” It would have
been possible then, to hand Moses Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy on Mt.
Sinai, along with Genesis and Exodus. But more importantly, the hidden
computerized code held vital information for the future, such as the dates for
earthquakes, economic upheavals, political eruptions, comets and asteroids on
collision courses with earth, and assassinations. Remember that the Torah was
where God revealed his purpose for Israel, and his covenant with them. (Exodus
l9:6, the Hebrews were to be a “kingdom of priests.” Genesis l7:l-7, Abraham is
told by God of an everlasting covenant between the two, which would also
include succeeding generations of Hebrews). Therefore, the most significant
message predicted by the code, are possible dates for an Armageddon that will
revolve around the state of Israel. Ironically, the words: ‘CODE WILL SAVE,”
are found right above “atomic holocaust,” and just below “the end of days.” 16 If man has sense enough to use the information provided within the Bible Code,
then humanity has the chance to survive the dark days prophesied by the Hebrew
prophets thousands of years ago.
The Talmud
states that if only one letter of a Torah is incorrect, the entire Torah must
be destroyed by burial." Only now do we realize why this was necessary.
Changing even one letter in the Torah would have distorted the mathematical
“equidistant letter sequencing” of the computer code. This important legacy had
to be preserved at all costs ~ for it was part of the “everlasting covenant”
between God and the Hebrews. It is a legal agreement that must be fulfilled.
God twice commands that Deuteronomy 6:4-9, and 11:13-21 are to be kept in a
separate scroll which is to be posted at the entrance of every home. This
little scroll is called a Mezuzah, and for Israel, it is the most important of
all the biblical writings. The Mezuzah is always written in 22 lines. The
number 22 correspond to the 22 books of the Old Testament, and the 22 letters
of the Hebrew alphabet (not counting the five terminal letters). It has been
discovered encoded in two of those verses, that in the years 2000, and 2006,
there is a major nuclear threat against Israel that could engulf the whole
planet. The hidden text of the sacred scroll warns of war: “it will bombard
your country, terror, devastation is being launched.” These verses were
considered so significant to God that He commanded that they be memorized, taught
to children, and recited every day and every night. It is no accident that the
years clearly encoded with “World War” were both hidden in the 170 words that
were to be preserved in a