needed while Eva texted on her phone. She giggled a few times when a new message pinged in and messaged back right away, totally engrossed in her conversation. She was clearly having fun and I had a suspicion she was getting naughty messages from my brother because her cheeks were rosy and her eyes glittered as she licked over her full lips. Only a woman in love glowed like that.
“Thanks, Suzi, I appreciate that. See you soon,” I said as I turned to Eva. “They can fit us in if we go immediately. Apparently a few customers cancelled today, which is lucky for us.”
Eva finished her text and casually dropped her phone back into her bag, but the mischievous grin stayed on her pretty face.
“Oh yay. I can’t wait to get my shoes off.” She laughed. “Are your feet as swollen as mine?”
“Hell yeah. I just have flats left to wear that don’t squeeze the crap out of my toes,” I said grimacing. At least I wasn’t the only one with puffy feet and fingers.
“Next time we’ll go shoe shopping and get some cute outfits for our baby bellies, too. What do you think?” Eva said, eyeing my feet and then her own.
Funny how women always had to compare themselves to other women; good or bad. In spite of her growing belly Eva looked gorgeous and as elegant as ever. I felt frumpy standing next to her and I was glad she was Ryder’s sister and we weren’t competing for the same man. But I couldn’t hate Eva even if I was a little jealous that her bump was small and round in the front only compared to mine that seemed to have spread to my hips and ass.
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” I agreed, swallowing my envy. Ryder told me every day how sexy he thought I was as my breasts got heavier and my clothes got tighter and I was determined to hold on to his words for all it was worth. He wouldn’t lie to me and the way his eyes gleamed with lust while he stared at me whenever I was naked was proof enough for me.
“It’s a deal then. Next week is all about shopping for us .” Eva turned her head to appraise her reflection in the shop window as we walked to my car. “God, I feel so fat and nearly nothing in my closet fits me anymore. I need a whole new wardrobe.”
“You and me both, hon,” I said, looking forward to our plans for the following week.
I loved how well Eva and I got along. Harrison was damn lucky to have found a woman like her. Nobody else would have put up with his crap the way she did, nor taken the time to really get to know him and not judge him too harshly for sometimes being an asshole. For as much as I loved my brother, he wasn’t always easy to like. It took a woman like Eva to tame the man who’d been tormented by his past and I admired her guts and strength of character, but above all I appreciated that she hadn’t given up on him when so many other people would have.
Since Ryder and I and were planning our wedding to take place soon after Eva and Harrison’s it was another great thing we had in common. We were kind of going through the same things at the same time and it was fabulous to have a friend I could confide in and who understood exactly where I was coming from.
Beep beep. The car’s lights flashed twice and the doors clicked open. I placed my parcels in the trunk alongside Eva’s.
“We didn’t do too badly today,” she laughed as the space quickly filled, “and we haven’t even started looking at wedding dresses yet.”
I blew a strand of hair off my face as I closed the trunk and slid behind the steering wheel. I couldn’t even imagine shopping for a wedding dress with that stomach.
“I’ll have to wait until after the babies are born,” I wailed while pulling a face. “Right now it’s kinda the last thing I want to think about because I’ve been eating for three and God only knows how I’m going to fit into that skinny dress.”
Eva rubbed a hand over my belly. “You’re not nearly as big as you think you are, Jade. And you haven’t