Vines, Ella - Oh Baby [Dukes of Desire 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Read Online Free Page A

Vines, Ella - Oh Baby [Dukes of Desire 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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huedsackgownwithrosettesalongthebodice . Ababy - pinkcoloredribboninherlong , blackhaircompletedthelovelypicture . Shehadnohaton , andherhairgleamedinthetepidsunlight .
    JealousyandfearranthroughCamille , butshetriedtokeepitdown . TheyoungwomanwasnottobehatedjustbecauseshefoundKnollTremontattractive . Any unmarried femalewould,withhislooksandfortune .
    CamillemetMiaCaldwellandsawaknowinginhereyes .
    Does everyone suspect ? Certainlyeveninatrustworthyhouseofservants , oneortwowouldbeinsatiablegossips . Bytheslylookintheotherwoman ’ seyesandhercoolgreeting , CamillethoughtsheknewaboutthestrangearrangementatTremontHall . Any personofgoodbreedingwouldhavebeenshockedandscandalized , butitwouldlikelyonlyfuelmostyoungladies ’ desiresformarriagetosaiddaringnobleman .
    MiaCaldwellwastednotimesecuringKnoll ’ sarmforawalk , andhethrewahelplessbackwardglanceatCamille . Shesmiledathimasifinperfectpeacewiththearrangement , butherfistsballedupontheblanket .
    “ Areyoufeelingwell , Camille ?” Mortimer ’ seyesdancedwithmischief .
    “ Yes , quitewell .”
    “ Whydon ’ twetakeawalkdownbythelakesince Knoll isengagedinconversation with that tramp ?” Hisvoicewaslessquestionthancommand . Gratification washed over Camille at his hateful tone toward Mia Caldwell.
    “ Let ’ s .” Camilleputherhandout , andhehelpedherup . Theywalkeddowntotheshoreline , herarmlightlyinhis . Sheknewtheyhadalookofutmostpropriety , andthethoughtmadehergiggle in spite of her unsettled feelings.
    “ Whatisit , myminx ?” Mortimerstopped , turningtowardher .
    “ Thethoughtofusheretogetherlikethisandmostnotknowing ...”
    “ Ah , yes . ButIdohavetheimpressionMissCaldwellknows . I don't like her, and I don't plan to welcome her into our arrangement without a fight. Do you, Camille?” Mortimer gazed into her eyes, and she glanced away, not wanting him to read her insecurity.
    “ Ithinkyou ’ recorrect about her knowing, and no, I don't like her. Why would I? She has bewitched Knoll.WeTremontsmustbethegossipofLondondrawingroomsandbeyondforhertohavefoundoutsoquickly . ”
    “ Don ’ tworry , Camille . Shehasn ’ tanythingonyou . You ’ rearoseinfullbloom , andshe ’ sbutatightlyclosedbud. I'll see to Knoll and his ridiculous fancies .” His jaw clenched.
    Camillerolledhereyesatthemetaphor, ignoring his blustering about his brother . “ I ’ mcertainlyinfullbloom .”
    “ Thatyouare,andsoluscious . Let ’ sgotowardthewoods .”
    “ Mortimer ,” shewhispered , laughterinhervoice .
    Theywalkedatasedatepace , butherbreathcamefastatthethoughtofwhathewasplanning .
    MiaandKnollhadwalkedtheotherway , andshewonderedwhattheyweredoing .
    “ Hereweare , safelycovered .” Hepushedheragainstatreeandhikedherskirtsuproughly .
    “ Mortimer ... whatif ?”
    “ Nooneiscoming . Letmetakemypleasurenow , andI ’ mgoingtotakeitagainlater . Iwokeuphard , thinkingaboutyou . Ourhomecomingdidn ’ tsateme .”
    Camillemoanedsoftlyathiswords , feelingherinnerthighsslippingtogether .
    Hepulledhishardcockoutofhisbreeches , notbotheringtotakethemdownalltheway . Mortimerliftedherslightly , impalingheronhisrigidmember .
    Shegasped , andheputahandoverhermouth . “ Shh . Wedon ’ twanttheneighborstohear .”
    Camillegiggledatthatuntilherammedintoher , elicitingawhimperfromher . Theideaofbeingcaughtarousedher , andsheputherhandsaroundhiships , urginghimon .
    Hisshirtand skin againstherbuttonsenttinglesthroughher , andshehoveredontheedgeofclimax .
    “ I ’ mgoingtocomeinsideyoursweetcunt . You ’ resuchawhore , Camille , andIloveit .” Hisvoicewasrough , andsheclosedhereyeswithlust .
    “ Ummm . Iloveyourcock , Mortimer .”
    “ Iknowyoudo . You ’ realwaysamenabletotakingit .”
    Hestiffenedandspilledintoherwithalowgrunt . Amomentlater , pleasurepulsedthroughher , leavinghercuntclenchingrepeatedlyafterward .
    Mortimerputhiscockbackinhisbreechesandhelpedherstraightenherselfup . Hekissedhernose , andtheygotbackintotheirrolesofbrotherandsister .
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