Vines, Ella - Oh Baby [Dukes of Desire 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Read Online Free

Vines, Ella - Oh Baby [Dukes of Desire 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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hisfairskinbecomingwiththecolor . “ No , Imean , we ’ reallinvited .”
    “ Ah , Isee . SoIgettogoonTitus ’ sarmandpretendI ’ mnothingtoyou .” Camilleheardhervoicebreakattheendofthestatement .
    “ Itwon ’ tbelikethat . We ’ llkeeptoourselvesmostly — thefourofusImean .”
    “ Perfect . Yes , let ’ sgothen . ItwillgivemeachancetomeetMissCaldwellandseehowworriedIshouldbe .”
    Knollsmiled , butitwavered . “ She ’ snotanythingtomenow . Iwantonlyyou .”
    “ I ’ mgladtohearit . JustthinkofourprivatepartybackhereattheHallafterthepicnic . I ’ mgoingtoremindyouofwhyyouwantonlyme .”
    Heclosedhiseyes , andshesawhisarousal . Camilleletthesheetdrop , showingherlargebreaststohim .
    Hewalkedtowardher .
    Sheshookherhead . “ No . Ithinkweshouldwait . Iwantyoutowantmemorethanyou ’ vewantedmeforsometimebytomorrow .”
    “ Yes .” Heblewherakissandleft .
    Camillecollapsedagainstthesheets , laughing .

Chapter 5

    Thenextdaydawnedbreezyandcoolwithananemicsun . Camillehadsentallthemenawayfromherchamberwhentheyhadshownupthenightbefore . Shehadpromisedthemaneveningoffunafterthepicnic . Brillahelpedherdressinagauzy, flower-dottedwhiteandperiwinkle silkdechinedress . Sheworeherbeststrawhatandtookspecialcarewithherperfumeandjewelry . “ Mylady , you ’ reavision .” Brillaclappedherhands .
    “ Ihopeso .” Camillegrimacedatherreflection , rememberingthesmall , darktemptresswhohadbeenintheHalljustyesterday .
    “ Neverdoubtit . LordTremontisablessedman .” Hereyestwinkled , andCamillegaveherawickedgrinback .
    Theywerereadyforthepicnic , andtheyjustneededtowalkoverthehillandasmalldistancetogettotheneighbors ’ sprawlingestate .
    “ Areyousureyou ’ refittowalk ?” Knoll ’ sbrowwasknitinworry .
    “ I ’ mcertain . AtleastI ’ mnotcarryingthebaskets .” Shesmiled , holdingTitus ’ sarmtightly . Hehadn ’ tspokenmorethanfivewordstohersofar .
    Theotherbrothershungback , notwantinganyonetoseethemasagroupinthewaytheyreallywere . Itwouldbetoomuchofascandal , atleastthisearlyinthemarriageandwithapregnancyalreadyongoing . Havingababyjustmonthsintothemarriagemadeenoughtongueswag , thoughitwasquitecommon .
    “ Titus , areyouquiteangrywithme ?” Camillespokeinawhisper , leaningclosertohim .
    “ No . Iwassurprised , though , andabitjealous .”
    Shesqueezedhisarm . “ Iunderstand . Itonlyhappenedafewtimes , anditstartedwhenyouandKnollwereoutoftownawhileago . Mortimerhadguessedmysecret ... aboutthebaby , Imean . AndthatwashiswayofgettingwhathewantedfrommeinexchangeforhimkeepingsilentuntilIgotreadytotellyou .”
    “ Andyoudidn ’ twaitlong ?”
    “ No , Itoldyouadaylater .” Sheleanedover , kissinghischeek .
    “ Thankyou , Camille . Icanunderstandhowthatmusthavebeendifficultforyou . Mortimerissuchacad .” Hesmiled , andCamillewasrelievedtoseehimrelax .
    “ Thatheis .”
    “ Butdoyou ... doyouenjoyit , sweetheart ?”
    Herheartdippedattheendearment . Howshelovedhim ! “ Yes , Idoactually .”
    “ DidyoulikeitwhenIjoinedin ?”
    “ Yes .” Camilleblushed , heattravelingthroughherbody .
    “ Ah .” Heclearedhisthroat .
    “ Let ’ snotspeakofitmorenow , orI ’ llwanttoreturntotheHallandskipthissillypicnic .”
    Titusroaredwithlaughter . “ Iagreewithyou , mysweet , butIhaveideasnow .”
    “ Ohdoyou ?” Shetiltedaneyebrowhiswayastheneighboringestatecameintoview .
    “ Yes , Ido .”
    “ Wonderful .”
    Hestoppedandkissedherfullonthemouth . “ Mypreciousprincess . HowdidIlivewithoutyouforsolong ?” Sheclosedhereyes , surrenderingtohistenderness .
    “ Allright , lovebirds . Let ’ sgetamoveon . Theparty ’ sdownthereoverthehill .” Mortimer ’ svoicewasroughwithjealousy , andashepassedCamille , hegrabbedherbottomthroughthesackdress .
    “ Mortimer ! Youmustbehavetoday .”
    “ I ’ lltry .” Hegrinnedastheywalkedtowardtheparty .
    Camillegrewseriousastheyreachedthegroupassembledonblankets . HereyesrestedonMiaCaldwell . Theyoungerwomanwasavisioninarose -
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