Theywalkedbacktothepicnickingpartywithbiggrinsontheirfaces . CamillenoticedrightawaythatKnollwasstillnotback . “ Iguessthatwalkistakingawhile ,” shemutteredunderherbreathasTitussettledbackdownbesideherontheblanket . Hefedheragrape , andsherealizedshewasravenousagain .
“ Heynow . Whatisit ? Youdon ’ treallythink ...” Titus ’ swordstrailedoff , andCamilleraisedhereyebrows .
“ Whynot ? She ’ sgorgeous , andIlooklikeastuckpig .”
Titussuckedinhisbreath . “ Knollwouldneverdothat . Hegaveyouhisword , andhegaveushiswordaswell . Andyoudonotlooklikeastuckpig . Idon ’ teverwanttohearyousaythatagain .” Hegaveherasternlook , hisbrowneyesflashing .
Shelaughed . “ Iwon ’ t . AndsoonIwon ’ tlooklikethisanyway .”
“ Ah , thereheis ,” Mortimersaid , overhershoulder .
KnollgazedintoMiaCaldwell ’ seyes , andtheflushonhisfacecouldnotbemistaken .
“ I ’ llbedamned ,” Mortimerwhispered , swearingunderhisbreath .
“ She ’ sreallyworkingtowraphimaroundherfinger , isn ’ tshe ?” Titussaid , hisvoicequiet .
“ Lookslikeshe ’ ssucceeding ,” Camillestated . “ AndI ’ mreadytoleave . Let ’ sgo .”
Shestoodup , leavingtheTremontbrothersstaringateachother .
Chapter 6
Camillesaidhergood - byes , asmileplasteredonherface . Shedidn ’ tlookbacktoseeifKnollwasjoiningtheirgroupornot .
“ Let ’ sgo .” Hervoicetrembledassheturnedawayfromthecrowdofpicnickers . Theywalkedupthehill , bothbrothersworkingtokeeppacewithCamille . Shehuffedandpuffed , butshewantedtogetawayfromthesceneshehadleftbehind .
AfterKnoll ’ swordsandpromisesthenightbefore , herheartfeltbroken .
Who are you to expect to keep three men at your beck and call ? Avoiceinherheadmockedher . After all , you had to know Knoll would want to marry eventually , and so will Mortimer . This arrangement , however lovely , cannot last forever . It ’ s doomed to conventionality as all such relationships since the beginning of time have been . There is a reason no one hears of a marriage triangle or similar foolishness .
ShetookadeepbreathasTitusgrabbedherarm . “ Camille , slowdownrightnow . Thisisn ’ tgoodforthebaby .”
“ I ’ mpregnant , notaninvalid .” SheslowedherpacejustabitsoTituscouldkeephisholdonherarm . “ Didhefollowus ?”
“ No , thedeviltakehim !” Mortimerswore .
“ I ’ msurehe ’ sjustmakinghisgood - byes . Youcan ’ treallybelieve— ” Titussaid , andMortimerinterrupted .
“ Icanbelieve ! He ’ safool . Thatslipofagirlisworkingtomakehimahusband . She ’ snothingbutafortune - huntingwhore . Sheandhermotherhavenothing , andyoucanbe suretheybothwanthertomakeamatchwithaTremont .” Hebreathedoutwithahuff .
“Ah, Mortimer, perhaps not.” Titus's tone was gentle.
“Are you bewitched by her too, then, brother?” Mortimer stopped, poking a finger in Titus's chest.
“I am not, but I give her and him the benefit of the doubt.”
“I see. I don't.” Mortimer sniffed and turned away as they walked on.
AtearsliddownCamille ’ scheek , andshesighedwithreliefwhentheHallcameintoview . “ Don ’ tworry , love . Hewon ’ tdoit ,” Titussaid , buthisvoicetrembled .
“ He ’ salwaysbeenafool . Don ’ tbetoosure , Titus .” Mortimerstopped , steppinginfrontofCamillenowthattheywerebytheHallandoutofviewofpartygoers .
“ Imakemysolemnvowtoyou , CamilleTremont , thatIshallneverletyougo . Iswearit .” Hekissedherhand , andshesawtearsinhiseyes .
Tituskissedhercheek . “ Ihaveswornthesame , andIstilldo . Youaremywifenowandforever .”
“ Thankyou . Iloveyoubothsomuch . You ’ remylife .” Shebrokeintotears .
“ Let ’ sgotobed , Camille .” Mortimer ’ svoicetrembledwithpassion , andshenodded , afrissonoflustrunningthroughher . Therewasnobetterfeelingthanbeinglovedbytwomenwhohadpromisedall . Nothingbetterthanbeinglovedbythreesuchmen , thatwas . Thethoughtmadeherwanttocryagain , butsheputonabravesmileasTitushelpedherinside .
Theywentupstairswithoutaword ,