my pleasure to meet you. I must apologize for my earlier handling of your person. My honor as a gentleman demands I beg your forgiveness.” He recalled firm young breasts. He cleared his throat. “Although, for the sake of uprightness and clearing any misunderstanding, in the urgent decision making of what appeared to be a critical situation, I thought you needed help. I was completely unaware of your . . . umm . . .”
Seeing her face flame anew, he had best steer clear of her female—or childlike—significance. “Your . . . riding capabilities.”
“Oh.” Air puffed from her cheeks. Her gaze fastened on Gent. “Where did you get this fella?”
“I acquired him at Hudson’s auction.” He watched as, palm up, she waited for the golden giant to draw near.
“Hey, fella. Haven’t see you around here before.” The horse nudged Alex’s shirt pocket. A tinkling giggle floated on the light breeze. She shoved her hair over one shoulder, drawing Giles’ attention to her female attributes. The greedy horse nuzzled one blossoming breast, which caused immediate speculation on the age of the girl.
Gentleman, my arse . Upon deliberation, he conjectured the steed’s real name was likely ‘Knave.’
“What have you got tucked away in your pocket?” His voice came out a bit more hoarse than intended.
“His previous owner did not tell me Gent had an uncontrollable sweet tooth.”
“I have an apple in my other pocket.”
He quickly shifted his gaze to her other breast, expecting to see a huge bump. No apple there. Which damned pocket—?
She reached closer to her waist, procuring the red fruit.
“More to my liking.” He gave a slight sigh.
“You want the apple?”
“No. I’d rather Gent not have the sugar.”
“My brothers don’t like me giving sugar to the horses, either.”
“I take it you do so without their knowing.”
“Blackie.” She grimaced. “The black stallion. I wanted to make quick friends with him.”
“That black does not need any added stimulus. He is spirited enough, and from what I have seen, needs nothing to exhort more speed.”
“I’m surprised you caught me, though Gent’s speed is remarkable.” She patted the horse’s nose. “Will you help me find Blackie?” A distasteful moue turned down the corners of her mouth at the name.
“For one who owns such a striking animal, you cringe when you say ‘Blackie.’”
“I hate his name. He deserves one better.”
“Then give him one.” Giles lifted his shoulder in a shrug.
The delightful expression covering her face put a twinge in his gut. An urchin, but a beautiful one.
“You agree? I’ve thought of several, but I haven’t decided.”
“You’ll find one which suits him just right. For now, I suppose I should take you home. If Bla . . . the black goes to the stables without you, your family will be concerned for your safety.”
“Ben was in the paddock when I left. He expects me to take care of myself.”
“An animal such as this stallion, new to your stables, would be enough to cause alarm. Even if your brother is completely aware of your riding skills, there is always a possibility of an accident.”
“How do you know Ben is my brother?”
“I met your family at the auction. Your father and your brothers. I garnered an idea of your love for horses from them. And I saw your father purchase the black.”
“You bought the last sale of the day. Also a black stallion. Why aren’t you riding him?”
“He needs a bit more gentling.”
“If the stallion is too much for you, bring him to our plantation. I’ll show you how to gentle a horse.”
The cheeky minx. Too young to realize her taunt could be considered coquettish. Shrugging, he concluded her lightheartedness stemmed from her age. How old was the chit anyway?
While holding the reins to Gent, he put one foot in the stirrup and swung into the saddle. Staring at her from his height, a smile threatened. No sense asking if the girl