‘That’s OK,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need a tetanus shot before you wear the watch. Just thought I’d warn you.’
We both laughed and started exchanging kisses, which by the time we got to Rick’s house had grown into one long, long kiss, before Rick flung open his front door and dragged us both inside.
We danced.
And drank.
And snogged.
We danced some more.
We drank some more.
We snogged some more.
Someone called out that we should get a room. So a few minutes later, for a laugh, we snuck off and did just that. I remember Melanie giggling as we went up the stairs. We were holding hands, I think, but I’m not really sure. And I had a bottle in my other hand. Something alcoholic but I can’t remember what. We went into the first room we came to and shut the door. And I took another swig of my drink. And Melanie giggled. And we started kissing.
More snapshots.
It’d been the first time – for both of us.
The one and only time.
And the whole thing . . . well, it was over before it’d barely begun. It had been a blink-and-you’d-miss-it sprint, not a practised and polished marathon. To tell the truth, it’d kind of put me off. I remember thinking,
Is that it then? All there is to it?
So how could
encounter that lasted . . . No, that was the wrong word. It hadn’t
. It wasn’t meant to last. And certainly not in the shape of a . . . of a . . .
‘Oh my God . . .’
My gaze fell away from Melanie to the still-sleeping contents of the buggy.
A baby.
A child.
My child?
‘I don’t believe you.’ I was on my feet again. ‘My name’s not even on the birth certificate. How can you be sure it’s mine?’
‘Dad, I really don’t need to be here.’ The desperation in my voice was very evident but I couldn’t help it.
‘Adam, you really need to get over this phobia you have of doctors.’ Dad frowned. ‘We’ll see Doctor Planter and then leave. OK?’
No, it wasn’t OK.
If I jumped up and ran, how long before Dad would catch up with me?
I gave the answer some serious thought, but finally decided against it. I had speed but Dad had endurance. He’d just wait me out and then he’d drag me back here. And on top of that, he’d be pissed at me.
Hang in there, Adam. In less than ten minutes, it’ll all be over
. The doctor will tell me to take some painkillers and throw us out and that’ll be that. And then at least Dad will be off my back.
I looked around the doctor’s waiting room, which contained six rows of five chairs, and health posters covering up as much of the disastrous lime-green painted walls as possible. The waiting room was half-full, mostly with mums and their kids or old gimmers of forty plus. And halfthe people in the room were coughing. I mean, what’s up with that? It’s August, for God’s sake. Who gets a cold in August? God only knew what germs I was breathing in.
What were we even doing here? I had a headache, plain and simple. Since when did anyone need to see a doctor about a headache? I’d tried to tell Dad that throughout the ten-minute car journey to get here, but he wouldn’t listen. Once he gets a bee in his boxers about anything, that’s it. Case closed. End of story. Dante is just the same.
‘Adam Bridgeman to room five, please. Adam Bridgeman to room five, please.’
The announcement came over the PA system and the scrolling electronic messaging system on the wall at the front of the waiting room said the same thing. Dad was already on his feet.
‘You can wait here if you like, Dad. I’ll go in by myself.’
Dad raised an eyebrow. ‘That’s OK, son. I’ll go in with you.’
I sighed and got to my feet. That was exactly what I was afraid of. This was turning out to be a really crappy day – and it wasn’t even noon yet.
Melanie’s lips tightened; her brown eyes turned obsidian dark. Her expression hardened like she’d been turned to stone.
‘I don’t sleep around, Dante. Plus I’ve never been