monitor had realized that, once he had been chosen to set up a new management, he had acquired the power to do and undo others, including his two playmates. At the end, mental profiles of both of them would fall into his hands, and the ladder’s final decision would be based on his judgment. And what was even better, after a very long time, finally he had at sight the crack through which he could enter the path that over time might let him climb further in the organization.
From that moment everything fell into a heavy calm. All of them caring only about their own games, and breaking the silence only from time to time by the occasional comments relevant to the outcome of a particular blow.
They were near the end when the leader coincided with the mon itor to launch an approach shot and took advantage of this opportunity to speak to him alone.
“ I have noticed in your recent backups that you have been isomentalizing with a frequency higher than usual. While to me, that in itself is proof of loyalty and discipline, which adds to the confidence I have been professing you, on the other hand it can be a sign that something is bothering you.” He took a while to get his next shot. Then he continued. “As you have noticed, I have started to talk to you in a more familiar way, and at this time I hope that you do the same, because from now on we will work closer. You will become one of the elite group in which I support my performance. From now on, I will be counting unconditionally on you.”
Such a revelation took him by surprise. Although a while before he had been shaken by the announcement of his latest assignment, this news had made his adrenaline soar to the sky. He had to make great effort to keep his voice steady as he answered:
“ Count on me. I feel privileged and will not fail.”
His mind clouded for a moment. When his thoughts turned to flow again, he realized that he was affected in an entirely new way.
“I cannot contain my excitement ,” he said to himself, “I never imagined to find myself talking in this way to the leader. He must not notice how I shudder. I have to regain control of myself to get my next shot. I must look firm and self-confident.”
He took a deep breath, fixed his eyes on the ball and let go all his tension in his next blow. The ball traveled farther than planned, bypassing the red pennant marking hole 16. The leader could not hide a smile as he watched the projectile exceeding its flight to betray the nervous state of the player.
As the ball landed , the two of them went on walking, stick to the shoulder. There was no further comment.
Another half hour had passed when they were pulling their last strokes. The new co-leaders were on first, and they managed to tie their scores two strokes over the other two. The next up was the monitor, who looking up to the scoreboard, noticed that he was in a tie with the leader. His first intention was to hole out. The shot was easy. He held his putter and stood in position. He breathed deeply while slowly separating the metal head from the ball. He paused. Then he pushed forward, but twisting his wrists in an almost imperceptible way just before making contact with the white sphere. The ball rolled gently, touched the edge of the hole and continued its journey to stop a few inches away.
The leader took the last turn and holed on the first try, thus winning the game. They had met again the obligatory mandate: “The leader is always right.”
Once carried out farewell formalities, the monitor headed to the bar at the end of the clubhouse. He crossed the door and paused for a moment, looking around for any of his usual playmates, but no luck. He spotted an armchair near the terrace, next to the large door that was wide open. There, he would get the freshness brought by the breeze from the waterfall outside. He sank into the cushions until having reached the pleasant feeling of relaxation throughout his body. He ordered a beer, and then went to