recap this morning’s events.
Everything had happened so suddenly that he had to go minute by minute over every action and every expression of the participants.
He congratulated himself for having been lucky enough to be asked to join the elite group of the corporation, as by that fact alone, the position achieved would place him socially at the level of the most important sub-leaders. The power acquired by virtue of this appointment would open him the higher gates, including those that led to the counselors. The increase in his salary that should come with the promotion would not be negligible, regardless that in that sense, his situation was well off in itself. Moreover, like any other promotion, this would attract a further amount of veiled rivalries and enemies, not counting, of course, the two co-leaders who now knew they were under observation.
The new workload would keep him busy. That would help him to set aside whatever they were the thoughts that had been assaulting him in recent times. In addition, Saganville would cease to be an eventual prize to become a place made available. Lucy would be delighted.
It w as ten to nine Monday morning when the new member of the elite group crossed the entrance of the skyscraper, home to the corporation’s offices.
He went along the line waiting to take the elevator, turned at the end of the wall, and walked to find the private lift that ran straight to the penultimate floor. The door opened as soon as the system acknowledged him, he set foot inside, and the trip began.
This was a beautiful morning. A vibrant energy had seized him from the moment he woke up. His first day as part of the elite group was arising him emotions as he had not felt in a long time. Life seemed to smile him again and the promise of setting aside the tedium of his daily routine lied head.
At the 104 th level the air was peaceful. Although in this floor there were 34 offices, an absolute calmness could be sensed. The coming and going of the staff was barely noticeable.
Once i nside his office, surprises began. The information system’s display was packed with new messages. The access codes showing on it were putting within his reach a huge amount of previously restricted files, and besides that, dozens of new links had been enabled, allowing him instant direct communication from that day on with other members of the group, many of whom had sent him their words of welcome already, and many more kept coming in.
During the first hours of the day he devoted to the tasks entrusted to him by the leader on the previous Friday, but slightly after midday, curiosity overcame him. Then he began to peer into the classified files that had just become within his reach.
He went through the index list, checking the titles one by one, until one of them caught his attention. He read in a low voice: “Position of the Reaction - Monthly Update.”
He opened the file to carefully study is contents. Here, among other things, were the details about geographic distribution and quantification of the population called the “reaction bloc.”
His surprise was enormous when he found that the figures shown in this document were much different from those reported through media to the inhabitants of the overdeveloped world. The bloc was not only in no danger of extinction, but on the contrary, was growing in a sustained way. There also was summarized a number of trade operations between both sides, the kind that was not supposed to be happening. The last part of this document reported the results of the corporate leaders’ bloody methods to keep this bloc alive, yet away. The world self-proclaimed as overdeveloped was just a myth. Many of its operations still relied on supplies obtained in the traditional way, which were imported from the territories controlled by the reaction bloc. Only this way could they manage to keep up their gigantic industries.
He s tudied the document for several minutes, going once and