Viper's Pit (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 1) Read Online Free

Viper's Pit (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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shot to hell, he’s going to go after her.”
    Jacob arched a reddish-blond eyebrow at him. “ So , we can’t let that happen to an innocent woman.”
    “She stole my bike,” Lind grumbled. “She ain’t that innocent.”
    Jacob smirked, knowing he already had Lind. “Whatever,” he said. “Still, we just can’t let her leave. And besides, she might be useful.”
    “Useful how?”
    “She works in that nightclub. She knows everyone. She knows their habits, their characteristics. She may be helpful in figuring out just whose heads have to roll for this.”
    Lind thought about it. “She does seem pretty smart…” he conceded. Trinity had proven observant, and they sure could use an observant eye to a reality that they knew little to nothing of. “Do you believe her story?” he asked.
    Jacob thought about it. “I do,” he finally said.
    Lind nodded. “So do I,” he admitted, reluctantly. “Are you sure about this?”
    Jacob shrugged. “She could be our best shot.”
    “We’ll have to lie to the club,” he said. “When Alec hears about one of Gary’s girls stealing my ride moments before he got shot at,” he said, quoting Jacob’s words, “he’s going to suspect her.”
    “Then, we keep our pretty little secret until things have blown over,” Jacob agreed.
    Lind hesitated. “I don’t like lying to Alec. He can always find me out.”
    Jacob laughed. “I’m sure you’ll find some tale to spin until the time comes to tell him the truth.”
    Lind scowled. He hated this. He hated lying to his best friend and to the club. He hated games. He wasn’t a man of games; he was a man of action. Games and schemes were more Alec’s territory—and Jacob’s, who wasn’t second in command for nothing.
    “You’ll be fine,” Jacob said, clapping his shoulder. “Now, let’s go tell our little bird the good news.”

    Eve woke up with a killer headache. She rolled over onto her stomach and groaned, burying her face into the pillow. The sunshine streaming in through the white curtains of the window was searing behind her closed eyelids. There was a pounding in her temples. It took her a while to find the will to move. She dragged herself slowly out of bed and gingerly walked out of her bedroom…
    …only to discover that the one she had just come out of wasn’t her bedroom at all. This wasn’t her apartment.
    Just like that, everything came rushing back. The Diamondbacks, Lind Addams, the drinks, the dare. The stupidity of it all. The story of the ambush. The night ride from Los Angeles to Pasadena, without even allowing her to stop by her place to pick up a few things. According to what Lind and Jacob said, they were protecting her. Eve wasn’t so sure.
    She took a few minutes to walk through the apartment with an entirely sober brain back at her disposal. It was a small but comfortable place, a condo adorned with modern and yet cozy furniture. It had large windows that let in plenty of lights, and the bright sunshine did nothing but shed light on the absurdity of her current situation.
    How had she ended up here? It seemed unreal.
    Looking down at herself, Eve realized that she was wearing a man’s sweatshirt. She panicked for a moment, but then she realized that she would definitely remember it if she had (or were forced to have) sex with either of the two men from last night.
    She needed more clarity. She ran a shower and let the hot stream hit her back, slapping some extra sharpness back into her mind. What was she supposed to do now? She certainly couldn’t stay here. No matter what Jacob or Lind said, Eve wasn’t about to let two strangers “take care of her” and keep her away from her life “until things blew over” (which, as far as she saw it, could mean just about anything from one week to one year).
    Head still spinning with everything that had happened, Eve
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