Viper's Pit (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 1) Read Online Free Page A

Viper's Pit (Diamondbacks Motorcycle Club Book 1)
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quickly put on the clothes she had been wearing the night before and packed her purse. It was just as she was about to zip it up that she realized that something had been pulled out. Her cell phone and wallet were nowhere to be found.
    “Son of a bitch!” she hissed under her breath, heart beginning to pound in frustration and anxiety. She had the sudden, sinking feeling that she may be in way over her head.
    She would need to do something about her cell phone and wallet, but chances were she wouldn’t be able to do anything while stuck in this apartment that wasn’t her own, in a town that wasn’t her own, in a life that wasn’t her own (that is, either one of her lives). She had to get out of there, and she had to do it fast—before they came back.
    While she wasn’t all that surprised to find the door was locked when she went for it, Eve couldn’t help the rising wave of panic that overtook her then. She was completely isolated. She briefly considered banging on the walls for people in the neighboring apartments to hear her, but she quickly reconsidered.
    Eve paced around the apartment like a caged wild animal, frantically looking for an exit that she knew just wasn’t there. She didn’t know how much time she spent wandering from room to room, looking out windows that were too far up for her to climb out of. She didn’t know how long it was before she heard the key turn in the lock, but when she did, she ran to the living room and waited for the door to open fully so that she could give those bastards a piece of her mind.
    She may be trapped, but she would let them know that she was not helpless…even if that was exactly how she felt.
    When Lind walked in, carrying a paper tray with two cups and a bag which Eve really hoped was a bacon-and-egg sandwich, she was hit with yet another wave of fury. How dare he? How dare he dump her into a situation so absurd that she felt like she didn’t know where was up and where was down anymore?
    “That had better be my breakfast,” she said.
    Lind looked at her— really looked at her. She saw how his still-impossibly-blue eyes ran over her figure. In turn, she couldn’t help but feel a shadow of the same thrill his gaze had given her the night before at the club when their eyes had met for the first time.
    “It is,” he said. “I hope you like bacon-and-egg sandwiches.”
    Eve didn’t bother to tell him that it was her favorite kind of breakfast; she was not going to give him the satisfaction.
    She shrugged. “They’re all right.”
    She followed him to the kitchen and reluctantly sat down at the table. She watched as he went to sit in front of her and took a hearty sip of his black coffee. They ate their breakfasts in silence for a while. Eve dug into her bacon-and-egg sandwich, and he, surprisingly, bit into a blueberry scone too large for comfort. She idly wondered what the twins would say if they found out that the Viper had a sweet tooth.
    “So,” Lind eventually spoke, finally breaking the very uncomfortable silence. “Did you sleep okay?”
    Eve stared incredulously at him from over the brim of her paper cup. “Are you shitting me?”
    He had the good grace to look embarrassed. “I was just making conversation…”
    “You want to make conversation?” Eve all but growled. She took a long swig from her vanilla latte to get some extra courage, and then she set her cup down and stared into the Viper’s face. “Fine. Where is my phone…and my wallet?”
    Lind cringed. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice that just yet.”
    Eve arched an eyebrow. “Kind of hard not to.”
    Lind rummaged in the inside pockets of his leather biker’s vest. “The wallet is right here,” he said, producing it and placing it on the table in front of her.
    Eve picked it up and, without thinking, began to go through it. Nothing seemed amiss—from credit cards to cash to IDs.
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