You fell down. I’ve never made anyone fall over before.” Now Mae smiled too. “Well I’m glad I could make this a memorable moment for you.” Megan took Lynne’s hand and walked towards the stairs; she looked over her shoulder and waved to Mae. Mae waved back still with a smile on her face. While walking down the stairs Lynne said “Mae I am so sorry she frightened you. I’ll make sure she stays out of your way.” And with that the living room door closed.
Five hours later Mae was just about to open a bottle of Pinot she found in the fridge when there was a knock at the living room door. Mae put the bottle back in the fridge and opened the door. Expecting to see Lynne, Mae was surprised to see Seth Finn standing there. He was holding a covered bowl from which wafted the most amazing aroma Mae had ever had the pleasure to smell. Staring at the bowl, afraid she would drool, she looked up and said “Please Mr. Finn, come in.” Mae stepped back so Seth could walk in. She noticed now that he was so close how tall he really was. Mae never considered herself tall but standing next to Seth Finn her height of 5'5” was anything but tall. He must be at least 6'4” she thought. His head was shaved bald and he had a goatee the color of a shiny penny. Much darker than Robyn’s but not as flame-colored as his daughter. As he walked by she noticed his aftershave and was drawn by the pleasantness of its scent. He was a large man but solid. His broad shoulders were dressed in a black tee shirt and his thighs were denim-clad. He walked in and looked around as if he never saw the place before.
“Please call me Seth. Are you settling in well enough?” His voice was deep and smooth, Mae realized immediately she liked the sound.
“Actually I’m all unpacked. It is such a gorgeous place. I appreciate your letting me rent it. I’m sure I’m not paying anywhere close to what you wanted for rent. And please call me Mae.”
Seth became aware that he was still holding the covered bowl of pot roast and immediately handed it to Mae. “I was given the special job of delivering the bowl before my sons could swipe it from Lynne,” he said with a sly half-smile.
“I realized that I didn’t really get a chance to talk to you about moving in, and I wasn’t sure what Robyn may have mentioned. Please feel free to use the yard at your leisure. There is a grill on the main deck that you can use as well. I’ll have available one of the garage bays for you to use if you choose.” Seth continued to look around, anywhere that wasn’t at Mae Turney. He noticed her hair was up in a high ponytail again and wondered if it was as soft as it looked.
“I’d appreciate the use of a garage. My car doesn’t really care for rain or birds.” Mae smiled. “But I insist on paying extra for the use.”
Enjoying how her cheeks dimpled when she smiled and how her eyes just lit up as she spoke, Seth studied her and decided that Mae Turney was not going to take no for an answer. So he simply responded with “I’m sure we can come up with a reasonable amount.”
Aware that he was staring at her, Seth turned and walked to the gas fireplace and asked “do you know how to turn this on and off?” Of course as soon as the words were out of his mouth he realized he sounded like he didn’t think she could figure out a simple on and off switch. Mae surprised him when she said, “Actually the fireplace isn’t what I’m concerned about, I’m afraid the shower has more knobs and settings than I even thought possible.”
Immediately, sensuous thoughts of Mae wet and naked in the shower opened a whole chest of vivid fantasies of what he could do with her there. Putting a halt to the flood of images in his head, he thought where did that come from? He didn’t even know Mae Turney. I mean, he was male and could admit he know she was an attractive woman any one with eyes could come to that same conclusion.
He realized he should get out of here