hearing Steve’s warm and sexy voice and the comfort it gave her.
The conversation was short but sweet as Summer didn’t have much time that morning. Steve asked how she was and how things were going and if he could see her soon. Summer assured him that she would be able to see him in the next couple of days come hell or high water, they both told one another that they were being missed and exchanged I love you’s before reluctantly hanging up.
Summer got herself dressed as she thought longingly about Steve’s gorgeous face, his bright blue eyes, his cropped brown hair and chiselled jaw line perfectly framed by his five O’ clock shadow. She then allowed herself to think about his bulging biceps and abb’s, while she squeezed herself into a pair of figure hugging blue jeans and pulled on a white knitted crew neck jumper. She left the en-suite bathroom and picked up her brown leather boots as she walked through the bedroom and into the main living room. She placed the boots by her white leather couch and opened the door that led to the kitchen. Inside the apartments immaculate and ultra modern kitchen, Summer made her self a hot cup of instant coffee, she much preferred ground but she was usually too pushed for time to bother, she sipped the coffee as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. Summer then made sure her notes and photo’s of the suspect were all in order Before putting on her boots and full length rain coat. She left the flat and made her way to the car park and her Audi TT.
Summer wasn’t surprised to see a large memorial of flowers and messages for young Jessica Folds building steadily around the collage gates. By all accounts he had been a popular girl and her fellow students had taken her sudden death hard. She drove slowly and carefully through the entrance and found a place to park, she took her folder containing her notes and made her way to the collage building.
Summer Entered the collage through the main entrance and made her way to reception. As she walked through the corridor she couldn ’ t help but notice how quiet and sombre the mood was amongst the students. She imagined that the corridors would normally be a hive of activity, young adults talking and laughing, running to get to class in time, even stealing a quick kiss against the lockers outside the many class room‘s. Today there was none of that, every one was sad and upset and rightly so, Jessica’s death was a horrible tragedy and Summer was determined to catch the son of a bitch responsible.
As she approached the main desk Summer gave the receptionist a warm smile. She was a small elderly woman who was well into her sixties. Her dress sense was smart but unspectacular as she wore a cream cardigan over a smart green blouse and her glasses hung on a chain around her neck, a smile crept over her wrinkled features as she welcomed her pretty guest. “ Can I help you dear ” she asked in a friendly tone “ DI Summer Richards ” she introduced her self as she showed the receptionist her badge “ Ah yes the Head Master is expecting you, he has a room set up for you just down the hall ” she informed the young DI. “ We will start sending the students to you in the next few minutes; you should know they are still very shook up ”
“ I understand ” Summer said as she gave the old receptionist a sympathetic look. “ How do I find my room? ” Summer asked not wanting to get lost trying to find her way, she knew the corridors of these collages were like labyrinths, one wrong turn and she could end up at the wrong side of the building. “ Just carry on down this corridor, turn left then it ’ s the second room on the right. I have the list of students you need to interview right here, is there anyone you would like to start with? ” “ Her closest friend please ” Summer insisted. Summer knew that Jessica ’ s best friend would probably have the most information to share and she would also