swerved off the road and ploughed across a field. The car responded beautifully, it was built to be off road. Unfortunately so was the silver car that was still following me. The two other cars chased me too. I’d lost their immediate proximity but they were soon catching me up. I tore down the hill, flooring the accelerator. There was another road at the bottom and I aimed for it.
As the hill flattened out and I neared the road, the moonlight glinted off the surface and my heart crashed into my stomach as I realised it was actually a river that I was about to drive into. There was no time to stop, and as the car hit a small bank and took off, I had time to pray that my uncle had fitted the car with some kind of wings. The river was easily six or seven metres wide and I held my breath as I waited for the car to crash into the icy water. To my upmost surprise the car landed slickly on the other side and I swerved quickly to avoid the approaching trees. I sped along the river, my three car entourage keeping level with me on the opposite side; clearly none of them were stupid or brave enough to try jumping it like I had done.
Suddenly realising the river had given me the advantage, I slammed on the brakes. The other cars were travelling so fast that when they all did the same they stopped a few hundred yards up the field from where I had come to a stop. The policeman was already out the car and in an impossible move leapt high in the air and landed on my side of the river.
I made to get out the car but Eli was already by my side, appearing from the air. He slammed the door shut, his weight buckling the car door and breaking the glass. Other men leapt across the river as easily as if they had stepped across a small puddle. But instead of running for me, they ran for the policeman. My Guardians? But was Eli one of them? Not waiting to find out, I scrambled to the other side. I leapt out the car and burst into the woods, running as fast as I could through the darkness. I was a fast runner; this much I knew, and with the adrenaline coursing through me, I pushed myself faster than I had ever ran before.
I wove through the trees and jumped over bushes. The trees whipped against my face, the fingers of the branches grabbing my clothes and pulling me back, but I ran on. I leapt over a small stream and scrambled up the bank on the other side. I paused for a moment, listening to see if I had anyone following me and despite the speed I had torn through the woods I could distinctly hear at least two different people fast approaching my location. This was hopeless. There was never going to be any escape from them.
I could feel the anger, the shock, the fear boiling inside my chest, a burning ball of rage that seemed to suddenly consume me. My fingers twitched and for a second a flash of blue light seemed to flicker in my hand. But I was distracted from this as the next second two men broke the trees on the opposite bank of the stream, Eli was one of them.
‘NO!’ I screamed in fury, instinctively putting my hand up. A blue bolt of lightning shot from my hand and exploded in a sphere across the stream. The men were blown back from the force of the explosion and I staggered away from what I had done, not sure how I’d even done it. I ran on into the darkness, but running for a different reason now, running to get away from the shock of what had just happened.
With disbelief I heard the men still running after me. I looked back over my shoulder to see how close they were, when suddenly I slammed into a body so hard I would have fallen over if a pair of strong hands hadn’t held me. I screamed and struggled against my captor but the grip only tightened. A hand pressed over my mouth.
3. I think I’m losing my mind
‘Evie, Evie, it’s me.’
I stopped struggling immediately, recognising the voice of Seth, plus he was the only one that called me Evie. His hands released me. ‘Seth?’ I whispered.
‘Yes,’ Seth whispered back,