The Onyx Talisman Read Online Free

The Onyx Talisman
Book: The Onyx Talisman Read Online Free
Author: Brenda Pandos
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
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spending so much time together. . .”
    “Tyler’s just a friend. I’m back together with Nicholas.”
    She looked down and chipped the black paint off her fingernail. “I thought you hadn’t heard from him in a while.”
    “I … I have,” I said, suddenly feeling as though I needed to defend our relationship.
    “Oh, really? When?” Sam straightened up and for once gave me her full attention.
    “Last week …”
    Her eyes widened. “And you didn’t tell me? This is huge.”
    “He’s been super busy with work.” Maybe mentioning Nicholas wasn’t such a good idea after all. “It was a letter. He’s supposed to be back soon. But, since we were going to be close to his Dad’s when we go to Disneyland, I was hoping we’d stop by. He’s staying there right now.” I’d have the perfect excuse—I was in town and wanted to invite him along.
    “Oh …” she leaned in and whispered, “Top secret under cover stuff?”
    Sam bit her lip. “That sounds dangerous.”
    I took a deep breath and mashed my lips together. “You know, forget it. Maybe I shouldn’t come at all.” And just go on my own to L.A. without you.
    “What? No. I want you there.”
    “Want Julia where?” Tyler asked, as he approached the table.
    Crap. I froze, watching him take a seat, his aura brimming with curiosity.
    “Nothing,” I said and kicked Sam under the table.
    “Ouch.” She looked at me and frowned. “We’re going to Disneyland. Didn’t Jules tell you?”
    Tyler squinted and cocked his head to the side. “No, she didn’t.”
    “I didn’t?” I shrugged and faked a laugh. “What did you get for lunch?”
    Tyler’s tray hit the table hard as Todd slid in next to Sam. Their sudden interest in each other masked the tension building between Tyler and me.
    “You should come with us,” Todd finally offered.
    Tyler’s aura teemed with suspicion. “When are you going?”
    I opened my sack lunch and pulled out a bag of cheese curls. “These are so yummy. Have you tried them?” I held out the bag to Tyler.
    He shot me a glare.
    “Next week, after finals on Friday,” Todd interrupted, as if he’d always been invited to go.
    I glowered at Sam, my stomach clenching and unclenching. The more I thought about it, the more I didn’t want to go. I could already see how the trip would unfold, starting with me getting stuck in the back seat and having to watch them be all lovey the entire drive.
    I stood up, unable to take the pressure any longer. “Sam, can I talk to you in private?”
    She looked startled, but nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
    I walked ahead of her out the double doors to the quad and turned to her once we got outside. Sam oozed dread. She knew exactly what was wrong.
    “This was supposed to be our girl trip,” I finally said.
    Sam’s eyes fell downward, her foot tracing a crack on the cement. “Yeah, but I didn’t want him to feel left out. . .”
    “Left out? You didn’t even ask. I never get time alone with you anymore and I was counting on this. Now I’ll be the third wheel.”
    “But what about Nicholas? You said he might come, too.”
    I inhaled and closed my eyes. “I’d never ditch you for a guy, Sam.”
    “Are you saying I’m ditching you?”
    “No, but this just makes everything awkward now. I’m not even sure I want to go.”
    “What? Why?” Sam’s mouth fell open. “You have to. I’m not going to stay at my aunt’s alone. My mom thinks it’s just us.”
    So that was it. I was the cover-up for her having a fun getaway with her boyfriend.
    “So where’s Todd staying?”
    “He’s got a friend down there …”
    I crossed my arms. “You didn’t think I’d be upset?”
    “I’d hoped you’d understand,” she said. “When Nicholas was around, I never complained when you two spent all your time together. I could have, easily. But to be honest, I never liked how he treated you and his convenient disappearances with his so-called job.” She paused for a moment,
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