Camp Rock Read Online Free

Camp Rock
Book: Camp Rock Read Online Free
Author: Lucy Ruggles
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
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walk away. “Thanks for asking.”
    C onnie was poring through one of the cookbooks stacked on her bed, when Mitchie returned to the cabin after dinner.
    â€œCan you believe,” her mother said, without looking up, “not one of these cookbooks has a recipe for chili for three hundred?” She took off her glasses and frowned.
    â€œYou don’t need a recipe,” Mitchie said happily. “Everyone loves your food. It’s official.”
    â€œReally?” Connie smiled.
    â€œCamper’s honor,” Mitchie replied.
    â€œSo how was open mike? Did you sing?”
    â€œNo … but I met some girls,” Mitchie said cautiously.
    Her mother brightened.
    â€œAnd,” Mitchie began, trying not to sound guilty. “They want me to move into their cabin. I know I have to help in the kitchen, but I’ll just get up earlier, meet you here, and …”
    â€œSweetie,” her mom said with a smile, “of course you can move to the cabin. It’ll be fine. Now, I’d better get back to these cookbooks. I’ve got a rep to protect.”
    T ess bit her manicured fingernails as she paced the Vibe Cabin and waited on hold on her cell phone. On her bed, Peggy strummed her guitar absently while Ella worked on something equally important—her nails.
    â€œYou guys, which color?” Ella asked, holding up two bottles of pink polish.
    Peggy, who had stopped plucking her guitar at Tess’s insistence, looked up. “Ella, they are
exactly the same.”
    â€œSo you see my dilemma?” Ella said in earnest.
    Suddenly Tess perked up and stopped pacing. “Mom, hey! … Yes, I’m totally settled in. Guess what? Shane Gray is …” Her face fell. “Yeah, you can totally call me back. Love you, too. Have a good concert.”
    Tess hung up and for a moment looked as if she might burst into tears. That, or throw her phone across the room. “As usual,” she muttered under her breath.
    â€œWhat, Tess?” Ella asked, pausing over a nail.
    Instead of explaining, Tess changed the subject. “My mom says maybe she can get us primo tix to her next concert.”
    Ella and Peggy clapped at the news just as Mitchie entered the cabin, her duffel bag and guitar case slung over her shoulders. “Hey, guys!” she called, slightly out of breath from the walk over. “Which bed is mine?”
    Tess pointed to Peggy’s. There was no arguing. Peggy would be moving.
    Mitchie plopped her bag on the bed and
started to unpack.
    Tess peered over her shoulder. “One bag? You can’t possibly have all your clothes in there.”
    â€œUh … right.” Mitchie panicked. “Well, I threw a lot of my clothes away.”
    Mitchie turned to find Tess going through her duffel bag. She held up one of Mitchie’s old, holey T-shirts. “And you kept this?” Tess asked.
    â€œUh, yeah,” Mitchie replied. “It came from China. A little boutique called … Xin Xia Ji.” Thank goodness for Sierra’s Mandarin skills, she thought.
    â€œWow,” Peggy said, admiring the shirt. Then, “What does that mean?”
    â€œ ‘Happy summer,’ ” Mitchie said. “The store is the bomb.” Mitchie was eager to bring the subject back to Tess. “Wow, that is a really cool bracelet!”
    â€œIt’s from my mom,” Tess replied, holding up the charm bracelet and admiring how it looked on her wrist. “Every time she wins a Grammy, she adds a charm.”
    â€œTotally bling-a-licious,” Mitchie said as she
continued to unpack. She pulled out her song journal, and then quickly tucked it away.
    But Peggy noticed. “Is that your diary?”
    Mitchie hesitated before answering. “My songs,” she finally explained.
    â€œYou write songs?” Tess asked, plopping down on Mitchie’s bed.
    â€œYeah, but they’re probably not that good.”
    â€œI bet
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