Staying on track will be much easier if you get rid of any foods that could be detrimental to your success. If you hesitate to ditch the salty chips, sweet candy, or that peanut jar that you visit too many times per day, those items likely pose the greatest threat of derailing your success. Do not keep any of these foods in the house during your reset! It’s time to reclaim control and overcome the power that these foods have over you!
Meal-Planning Tips
• Plan your meals in advance. Select from the recipes in this book or subscribe to our blog at for more recipe ideas. If you don’t enjoy cooking, choose two recipes to make each week and make double so you have four meals ready to go.
• Make a few dishes that can be eaten several ways. For example, the roasted veggies you make for dinner on Sunday can be added to a lunch salad on Monday. And leftovers from the rotisserie chicken you bought for Tuesday night can be used in all sorts of dishes, including the Chicken Salad ( this page ), Butter Lettuce Tacos ( this page ), or Roasted Veggie and Chicken Salad ( this page ) recipes found in this book.
• If a recipe calls for you to prepare a sauce, make a big batch and freeze what you don’t use in ice cube trays. Next time you make the recipe, defrost enough for that meal. This is a big time-saver!
• Make a big batch of steel-cut oatmeal in the slow cooker on Sunday night and have it for the week.
• Stock up on organic frozen fruit and frozen spinach or kale for easy smoothies.
If you take the time to acknowledge the challenge this food causes for you, recognize your conscious choice to say no to this food, celebrate your decision, and reflect on how empowered you feel, you can release the control that this food has over you. The next timethis food is in your path (keeping it out of your home doesn’t mean you’ll never see it again), your odds of passing on it are much better. Perhaps more importantly, if you do choose to indulge in it, you’ll be making a conscious choice to do so rather than reverting back to an old habit.
How to Overcome Temptation
• Acknowledge the challenge this food causes for you.
• Recognize that you can make a conscious choice to say no to this food.
• Pause and celebrate your decision to prioritize your health.
• Reflect on how empowering the decision to say no to temptation is and sit with the feeling.
Buy and Eat Real Food
The greatest thing that you can do as you begin this cleanse is to dedicate yourself to the idea of eating real food. Yep, you read that correctly: “Eat. Real. Food.” Michael Pollan coined this phrase and it has been restated a hundred different ways, but the sentiment is the same.
Many modern-day health issues are caused or exacerbated by the shift in eating habits that has taken us further and further away from food as it is in its most natural state. Choosing to eat real food ensures that you take in the nutrients your body needs in order to operate properly. Chemicals and additives, which are foreign to your body and cannot be utilized, cause weight gain, health challenges, energy depletion, and allergy issues.
AMY J., WORKING MOTHER OF THREE • I’m a fully recovered sugar addict! Thanks to the Juice Cleanse Reset Diet and following Lori and Marra’s guidance to say good-bye to my trigger foods, I finally feel back in charge of what I feed my body. For years, I struggled with massive sugar cravings, mood swings (my poor husband), and generally feeling out of control when it came to food. I committed to the reset program, and I can honestly say that it’s the best decision I ever made for my health. The sugar withdrawal was intense during the first few days, so intense that I am certain I would have caved in if I still had a stash of sweets in the cupboards. Thank goodness I didn’t because today, nine months post-reset, I still feel amazing and I am back to my prepregnancy weight. Best of all, if I choose