The Dark Pearl Chronicles 1.1: Battle of the Half-Brothers Read Online Free Page B

The Dark Pearl Chronicles 1.1: Battle of the Half-Brothers
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JAGUAR: Seeing all of those people running out there is making my adrenaline race. I could just run out there and race every one of them right now.
JOSH: That wouldn't be a very fair race.
KARA: Hey, I hate to interrupt, but what is he doing here?
(Kara points to another section in the bleachers, where Austin is sitting by two girls.)
JAGUAR: Maybe he came to watch the game.
KARA: I doubt that. He and Zack aren't getting along, remember?
JAGUAR: I thought Zack said he would apologize for overreacting and try to get Austin to come back to us and return the Pearl?
KARA: He did say that, but he hasn't done it yet.
JAGUAR: Ah, okay.
COLE: Well, Kara's got a good point. I think we need to keep an eye on Austin and see what's going on.

(The game continues. Austin is still sitting on the bleachers until the end of the game.)
KARA (huddles with the other three): All right, now we need to keep an eye on Austin until he leaves. Then it will be safe.
COLE (breaking from the huddle): I see you have gotten into the sports spirit. Wait, where is Austin?
JOSH: He's with those girls, remember? They're over th-where'd they go?
KARA: Oh great! We lost him!

(Off in the distance, Zack is walking down the sidewalk in his pads. He brushes by one of the people walking the opposite direction.)
FOOTBALL FAN: Good game, man!
ZACK: Thanks.
(The football fan continues to walk. Zack spots someone standing behind a corner. He walks over to see who they are.)
ZACK: Oh, hey man! What's up?
(The figure is holding the Dark Pearl. The figure holds it up and a luminous light shines from it.)
ZACK: Wait, what are you doing, bro?
(The light shines on Zack, and within moments he is sucked into the Pearl. The figure then hides the Pearl in its bag, and continues walking on like normal.)
KARA: Hurry! Someone find Zack! He may be in danger!
JOSH: I'll go this way!
JAGUAR: I'll go with you.
JOSH: No, you go that way! Hurry!
COLE: Wait, everyone, stop!
KARA: Why?
COLE: Don't you guys think that splitting up would put the rest of us in even more danger?
KARA: He's right.
COLE: Okay, guys. Look, Zack came up here with the football team, so he'll be leaving with the team. The rest of us should go back to Pete's and tell him what happened so that he can help us out. Who knows? Maybe it's a big misunderstanding. But if anyone knows anything, it'll be him.
KARA: You're right, Cole. We're definitely overreacting.
JAGUAR (laughing): Yeah. You guys were acting like a bunch of girls.
(Kara smacks Jaguar on the back of the head.)

SCENE: Back at Pete's mansion. The four have told Pete their story.
PETE: So Zack goes missing after Austin disappears? Is that what you're saying?
KARA: Exactly.
PETE: Are you sure that maybe he didn't get on the bus or something?
COLE: But the team was still out there; they weren't boarding the buses yet.
PETE: Well let's play it safe. You four stay the night here, especially you, Josh, since you live with Austin. We'll see if Zack makes it back here or to his house and if he doesn't by morning we'll come up with a plan.
KARA: Good idea.

SCENE: The next morning. The four are in sleeping bags in the floor. Cole sits up quickly.
COLE: Zack?
(Kara hears Cole and wakes up.)
KARA (sitting up slowly): Is he here?
COLE: No. He's not in here.
(Josh and Jaguar both sit up slowly.)
KARA: Good, you're both up. Zack still isn't here.
JOSH: Maybe he got here after we all went to sleep.
JAGUAR (swaying back and forth out of weariness): Impossible. I didn't get any sleep last night.
KARA: None at all?
JAGUAR (still swaying): No. I didn't have my Superman pajamas.
COLE: Your what?
JOSH: He's serious, guys. He can't sleep without his Superman pajamas.
KARA: Are we in kindergarten or something?
COLE: Okay, guys. Let's keep our eye on the prize, here. Zack is missing.
KARA: You're right. Let's tell Pete. Maybe he found Zack and we're just being paranoid.

(The four go to Pete's room, where he is repairing one of his machines.)
PETE: My condolences; did my noise
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