The Mind-Murders Read Online Free

The Mind-Murders
Book: The Mind-Murders Read Online Free
Author: Janwillem van de Wetering
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that you have a sense of humor, and that's something else that is needed in the police force today; the right answer is . . .' What did I say it was just now?"
    "Composing poetry."
    "Right. So the psychologist helps the fellow along and says, 'You do like making poems, don't you?' and the fellow says, 'I sure do,' and the psychologist says, "Let's hear some of your art, sir,' and the fellow recites,
    Swishing swiftly through the sky
    for crown and church, I fly ...
    and the psychologist says; 'Right, right, no more, sir, not in this dismal little room with the flies banging against the window and my pipe poisoning the already polluted air. My, you are a sensitive one, the police should be proud to welcome you. What sports do you prefer?'"
    "Shooting dolls," Grijpstra said, "with poisoned arrows."
    "Exactly, and the psychologist checks his form, shakes his head, chokes, and finally whispers, 'Balls, sir, balls!' and the fellow doesn't understand right away and shouts, "What do you mean, what do you mean?' and the psychologist gets up and begins to dribble across the room, pretending to catch and throw balls and in the end the new fellow says, after he has said just about everything, they can get really involved you know, sometimes there are fist fights or they break up the furniture, but in the end the fellow catches on and says that he plays a lot of football, badminton, rugby, pelota, jokari, volleyball, squash, tennis, and so on, and the psychologist puts a lot of v's on his form, for he's a mental cripple and can only work a few hours a day and it's time to go home. So they get to the final question and he asks if the fellow ever dreams about the Queen and the fellow gets that one and says he does."
    "So he misses a lot of time at school, but he gets through the year, and they put him in uniform and send him to you," Grijpstra said.
    "And what do I do with him? Shoot two holes in his body and file him? Or do I keep him in the refrigerator behind the beer?"
    "I don't do that, I'm glad he came; and I'm glad you came too, adjutant, this is a bad day, and I need a friend. I take the young blighter and I send him on patrol, that's what I do, damn my rotten soul if I don't. I know that he's going to add to the mess, but never mind, out he goes. I've got to be grateful after all, the fellow could have gone on welfare, but he has those ideas about the crown and the church, and the sky, and so forth, and he does dream about the Queen. The colonial attitude, somewhat scarce these days. 'To work,' I say. 'Catch me an invalid and dump the useless son-of-a-whore in the Emperorscanal.' Karate and Ketchup, eh? Who else? I knew it straightaway. Even the marrow in their spines is bad, although they look okay in a way, the despicable little clowns. Asta, darling! See if you can find Karate and his mate. Tell them they are wanted at the counter and don't breathe a word about what has been going on here."
    The girl rushed off.
    "Morning, sergeant."
    "Same to you, Ketchup, and yourself, Karate. Do you know who this officer is?"
    Ketchup came to attention, Karate answered the question.
    "Adjutant Grijpstra, sergeant. He assisted us last night when we were faced by a hostile gathering and engaged in arresting a troublesome suspect. He and Sergeant de Gier. Assistance to colleagues, sergeant. The operation was successful and the report is on your desk."
    Jurriaans bowed so that he could look under Karate's cap.
    "Yes, successful." The vein halving his forehead swelled and crinkled up to the hairline. "Is it true that the two of you dashed into cafe* Beelema last night? Nightsticks at the ready?"
    "Yes, sergeant."
    "And that you, without warning, engaged in a battle with civilians?"
    "Yes, sergeant."
    "And that you, in the aforementioned establishment, grabbed hold of an invalid, a man who moves along with the help of a crutch, dragged the said individual outside, and threw him into the canal?"
    "Yes, sergeant."
    Sergeant Jurriaans lifted
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