The Dark Pearl Chronicles 1.1: Battle of the Half-Brothers Read Online Free Page A

The Dark Pearl Chronicles 1.1: Battle of the Half-Brothers
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PETE: Good observation. Now, the Dark Pearl has a power of its own, a power even more powerful than yours. The Dark Pearl can be used by anyone to absorb a person into it. The person who holds the Pearl would then have the strengths, knowledge, powers, any properties of that person's, whether mental or physical, for himself. You are not invulnerable to this.
COLE: Wow. So if someone absorbs me into it, they would have my ice powers AND be extremely smart.
PETE: Precisely.
ZACK: So that means if someone absorbed Austin they'd be almost unstoppable since he has so many powers.
PETE: Not exactly. Because Austin's jewel contains so many powers, he is too strong to be absorbed by the Pearl; however, he could use it to absorb others.
JOSH: So it's not a good thing that he and Zack had that fight last week, huh?
PETE: You two still haven't made up?
COLE: No. Zack likes to hold grudges.
ZACK: Okay, let's stop picking on Zack now okay?
PETE: I'm afraid they're right, though, Zack. I mean the Dark Pearl is kept under extreme security, but Austin could get by any security system easily. What if he did get hold of it?
ZACK: I don't know. Then I guess we're screwed. Are you happy now?
JOSH: Well I mean we do outnumber him.
COLE: Wait. Why are we talking about this? Pete just said the Dark Pearl was under extreme security. You guys are talking as if Austin has it now.
PETE (laughing it off): Cole is right. I'll show you right now how much security it has on it anyways.
(Pete types "Live Security: Dark Pearl" on his computer. A camera comes up, and instead of a high security room with the Pearl in it, Pete sees a clean-up scene on screen.)
PETE (panicking): Where's the Pearl?

(Ten minutes later. Pete is searching through his books of prophecies.)
PETE: I should have seen this coming. Josh, didn't you say Austin is your half-brother? Not your full brother?
JOSH: Yes.
PETE: Yes, then the prophecy is coming true. I tried to stop it by making you all join together as one group. I should have seen as soon as he left that this would happen.
ZACK: Okay, could you clue us in on what you're talking about?
COLE: Yes, none of us know the prophecy.
PETE: Here it is. It's the Battle of the Half-Brothers, in a battle of Good vs. Evil.
JOSH: The what?
PETE: The prophecy dates back three thousand years. It's a battle for the Dark Pearl. One half-brother is on the good side, while the other is on the dark side. The two half-brothers end up fighting to the death over the Pearl. I tried to stop it by getting you all to join together.
ZACK: Well I can see that didn't work.
KARA: Wait. Don't you guys think we're jumping to conclusions?
PETE: On the contrary, Kara. The Dark Pearl has gone undisturbed for three thousand years. The Germans tried to take it during World War II, but were unsuccessful, because there was no one-on-one battle between two half-brothers for it.
JAGUAR: Wait, you said one-on-one. If the battle is one-on-one, where do the rest of us fit in?
PETE: That is one thing I do not know. The books don't tell.
JAGUAR: Well, Josh is my best friend. So if the "books don't tell" where I'm going to be for this battle, then I'm going to be by Josh's side, fighting alongside of him.
COLE: Me too.
KARA: I agree.
ZACK: And Austin being on the other side makes it that much better. I'm in.
JAGUAR: Okay, you seriously need to get over that grudge.
PETE: I believe it is a little late for that. (To Josh) Okay, Josh it's time to get some practice in. This way you will be more prepared than he is.
ZACK: Speaking of practicing, I have missed too many football practices. I've got to go now.
PETE: You need a ride?
ZACK: Um, I drove here, remember?
PETE: Ah, precisely.

SCENE: Friday night. Washington High football game. Zack is playing, while the other four are sitting together in the bleachers.
COLE: This is the first football game I've been to since I quit the middle school band.
JOSH: Really? I come to most of them, although I can't keep up with the
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