sitting through that crap without having a few potty breaks and snacks.”
“Potty breaks? What are you, five?” I asked, smiling.
“You know, the whole girl talk stuff?” Alexis pointed out and laughed. “Todd’s idea of going to the movies is clear and absolute silence. You can’t even chew.”
“I’m not that bad,” Todd said, and then scrunched his nose.
I laughed. Clearly he was. “I hate when people talk during movies, too, Todd. I especially hate when they slurp.” I looked at Alexis, and she giggled.
“We aren’t that bad, Keri,” Alexis said, and then looked up. “Our drinks!”
I looked just as the waitress was placing our non-alcoholic daiquiris onto the pub table. Todd was already grabbing for his and went right for the straw. I put my eyebrow up and then dug into mine.
“Mmm,” I said, savoring the taste of the sweet strawberries. “This is really good.”
“Yeah, they make the best ones here. Can’t wait until we can put a little something into them,” Alexis said and then sighed. “Only a few more years!”
Twenty-one seemed forever away, yet the year was already almost over, and my first semester of college would be done. Crazy how time flew.
“We’ll be juniors then,” I said and grinned. “I can’t wait to get done and out of here.”
“Me, either,” Alexis agreed.
Todd shook his head. “Not me. This is the easy life. My brother, Joe, says the real world sucks.”
“I hear that, too,” I joined in, and then looked down at my phone. It buzzed.
*So you’ll be able to come home?*
One track mind, Payton.
Yeah! I start tomorrow. It’s at the library! I get to shelve books.
*Can you talk now?*
It’s really loud here. I’m out celebrating with Alexis and Todd.
*Where are you?*
Woody’s Tavern. We’re drinking some daiquiris and talking about the real world. I should be back soon, though.
I looked down at his text and huffed. “Fine?”
“What’s fine?” Todd asked.
“Oh, Payton’s text. He just wrote ‘fine’.”
“What was the fine from?” Alexis wondered.
“He asked where I was and wanted to talk and I said that it was too loud in here and that we were celebrating.”
Alexis rolled her eyes. “Weren’t you here with that dumbass, Chad?”
My eyes widened. I swear I never thought of that . “Yep,” I said, darkly. “Great.”
“Yep,” Alexis replied, letting the p ‘pop’ at the end of her word. Todd shook his head.
“I don’t want to sound like a dick or anything, but this guy is really intense. He knows you’re with us, and we’re together,” Todd said, gesturing to Alexis and himself, “so there shouldn’t have been a problem. He just seems kind of…controlling.”
Todd did have a point there. I blew out a long breath and put my head back. “I know. He’s not controlling, but you’re right about how intense he is. He just…”
“Loves you a lot,” Alexis interrupted. “And, she did go on a date of sorts with a guy while she was dating him.” Alexis looked at Todd and nodded as his eyes widened.
Todd turned his head fast and looked at me, shocked. “You did?”
“It wasn’t a date. He was tutoring me in math.”
“Why not just ask Alexis?” Todd asked.
“I…I don’t know…”
“Because she’s never dated, Todd. She has to be a little curious about it all.”
I frowned, wondering if that’s what I was doing.
“You haven’t? Why?” Todd asked, confused, eliciting a smack from Alexis. “What was that for?”
“You’re being goofy,” Alexis said. Todd rolled his eyes.
“I just didn’t date in school,” I said, chiming in. Todd looked completely blown away.
“I can’t believe all you hot chicks were single in high school. It kind of blows my mind.”
Alexis laughed and I grinned. “Did you date a lot, Todd?”
Todd smiled. “Define a lot?”
Alexis smacked him again. “Pig.”
Todd leaned in and kissed Alexis full on the mouth. “Oink.”
I smiled, but