The Beat of Safiri Bay Read Online Free

The Beat of Safiri Bay
Book: The Beat of Safiri Bay Read Online Free
Author: Emmse Burger
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swallow down that thought. My dad can see whoever he wants to. I won’t be living in his house for much longer anyway.
    As I am about to leave the Estate I see one of Bessie’s dogs next to the road. I stop and pick him up. He is dirty and smells bad. I swing the Jeep around and head back towards the house quickly. I take the first turn to Bessie and David’s house. As I park the Jeep, I see Bessie on her way over already. I open the door and the little dog jumps out. Bessie gasps and scoops the little dog into her arms.
    “Where did you find him?” she asks with disbelief.
    “I just picked him up at the entrance to the estate,” I reply. “Were you looking for him?” 
    “He has been missing for two days now,” she says in a high pitched voice “we thought he was picked up or worse, ran over,” The reality of what I just did throws me into a panic and I take a wet wipe from the cubbyhole to wipe my hands. Bessie sheds a grateful tear that her lost pooch has returned. “Oh Lane, thank you so much my girl,” she sobs. “I... it’s only a pleasure,” I say. “I am just glad he is home safe, but he might need a bath, I joke and Bessie laughs a throaty laugh “oh yes he does,” and she rubs his head with her hand. I greet Bessie and get back to my original route. I give the steering wheel a wipe as well.
    Chapter 2
    As I arrive at the Lodge, I decide to go wash my hands properly and walk down the path to the Lodge bar rest room. That little doggy was very dirty. Once inside I hear two female voices talking to each other each from their own cubicle. “It sure was luck that guy showed up at the beach today, little Craig is still out from all that action.” Cubicle number two speaks: “I am not sure what we would have done if he didn’t show up like that. He could have bled to death with that cut,”
    “I’d rather not think of that”. I wash my hands while counting to twenty, over and under and the wrists. I dry them on a paper towel and leave the room. So, Mr Doctor Alex were playing hero on the beach today as well. Oh, why does it matter? Who says it was even him? There are many doctors around. I decide to give it no more thought and to enjoy my evening out with my friend and his cousin instead. I wonder suddenly whether the cousin is male or female. The last cousin I met was female. It doesn’t really matter now does it?
    I spot Matt at the bar counter, all dark curls and blue eyes. He sees me and gives a quick wave. I walk straight over. “Hi there,” he says. “Hi yourself,” I smile.
    “The usual for you?” he lifts an eyebrow
    “Thanks,” He wipes a bar stool for me with his hand and I sit. “Where is your cousin?” I ask and he smiles.
    “She’s on her way,” So it’s a female.
    “You are dying to meet her aren’t you?” he laughs.
    “I like meeting your family” I say trying not to sound over enthused. He smiles and nods. Something’s up with him. “So what is it that bothers you so?” I ask looking into his ice blue eyes. He just stares back at me. Boy, now I am worried. I put my hand on his arm “Matt?”
    “I broke it off with Chantel,” My eyes widen. This is serious.
    “I am so sorry,” I say it without meaning it. She is a nice girl but they were just so wrong for each other. I move closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. “That’s really tough,” is all I can say. I didn’t know what else to do. “I probably shouldn’t be too upset as I was the one to end it,” he says with a please confirm what I just said voice. “Off course you’re upset, you’ve spent two years of your life with her,” I lift my head, wipe the top of my bottle and take a sip of my cider. I feel a shudder run down my spine. I have never enjoyed the taste of alcoholic drinks or the way they make you lose control; this one tastes like rotten apple, but I will tolerate it just for the sake of not looking like a schoolgirl.
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