was slightly raspy.
“ Hey, it’s Seth. Did I wake you up?”
I smacked myself in the forehead. “Um, no, no. Sorry, I didn’t know it was you. What are you doing?”
“ Well, I’m actually going to look for a new truck today. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me. You’ll make it less boring.”
“ Yeah, I’ll go with you.”
“ Alright well I’ll pick you up in about an hour. Is that okay?”
“ Yeah, just come to the south parking lot and I’ll be waiting there for you.”
I hung up and lay back against my pillow. It wasn’t like me to just go out with some random guy I just met but I guess it was time to try something new.
Ashley spoke up from her bed, “Who was that? Eric?”
“ No, why would he be calling me?”
“ He was staring at you all night I was sure he got your number.”
“ I told you, he seemed like an ass. Yeah, he’s definitely sexy but I’m not going to try and go there.”
“ So who was it then?”
“ Seth, the guy who I played beer pong against.”
“ You mean the one that beat you and Lance?”
Even though I couldn’t see her face I knew she was smiling.
“ Shush it.”
I stood up and went to the closet pulling out a pair of skinny jeans and some black knee high boots. They didn’t have a heel on them; I wasn’t going for a very showy look. I slid them both on before throwing on a long sleeve, grey v-neck shirt. After throwing my hair up into a pony tail I went to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I got back to the room I redid my eye makeup and pulled on a light black jacket. I told Ashley bye and snatched up my keys, phone, and bottle of water before heading out. She let out a small groan before falling back asleep.
I sat on the same bench as I did the night before and waited for Seth to come and get me. For some reason I thought of the night before and the mystery person who was smoking a cigarette by the bushes. I would probably never know who it was, I don’t know why I even cared, it’s not like they were watching me or anything.
My legs were crossed and bobbing up and down nervously when I saw a brand new shiny black Mustang pull up. The passenger window rolled down and Seth threw his head back motioning for me to get in.
I slid into the front seat all the while eying the car. “And you need a new truck because…?”
“ This isn’t mine, it’s my roommates.”
“ Oh, you don’t have a car?”
“ I did but that’s a long story.”
“ Well shorten it up for me.” I said pulling on my seat belt.
“ My truck got totaled.”
I nodded and was suddenly filled with fear that I was in a car with someone who had already totaled one car. Seth must have seen the fear in my eyes because he started laughing.
“ I’m a good driver. Yeah I was driving when the truck totaled but it was my roommates fault. He can be an ass.”
My stomach lightened up a little but I was still a tad bit nervous. “Well that’s nice. Just keep your eyes on the road.” I said pointing out the windshield.
“ You can trust me.” He smiled.
My nerves slightly left my body at seeing his smile. I forced myself to refocus out the window and tried to think of something to say.
“ So if your roommate is such as ass why are you his roommate?”
“ He’s my oldest friend. We are like oil and water, two completely different people. He’s always been my best friend though. I can count on him.”
“ Well that’s good. At least you have someone you can say that about.”
“ Do you have a best friend?” he asked me.
I thought about it a minute. “No, not really. I mean I have friends, but no one I would call my best friend. My roommate, Ashley, she is probably the one I am closest too but I wouldn’t tell her every little secret.”
“ It’s better to be that way. Trusting