Snowball Read Online Free

Book: Snowball Read Online Free
Author: Ellen Miles
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running over, Charleslaughed. “He likes that name,” he said. “It’s perfect for him! He looks like a little snowball.”
    â€œHe’s going to look like a mudball soon,” said Sammy. He and his dogs had just come over from next door, so the dogs could play together in the Petersons’ backyard. “All the snow we got is melting. There’s not even enough for a real snowball anymore.” He sounded mad.
    â€œAt least it’s warm enough to play outside,” Lizzie said. “Let’s see how everybody gets along.”
    Sammy’s dogs ran over to sniff the little Westie pup. Rufus and Goldie seemed excited to meet a new friend.
    â€œThat’s Snowball,” Lizzie told them. “Be nice! He’s just a puppy.”
    Rufus’s tail was wagging — until the Westie jumped up and put his paws on Rufus’s chest.
    Snowball was so excited to meet two new friends. He thought he’d better let them know who was boss, right away.
    â€œSnowball!” Lizzie cried. “No jumping on other dogs, either.” She laughed. “That puppy isn’t afraid of anybody. Rufus is so much bigger than him, but he doesn’t care.”
    â€œEven Goldie is a lot bigger than he is — and they’re about the same age!” said Charles. Now Goldie and Snowball were tumbling over and over in the muddy snow, mouthing at each other and growling little puppy play-growls.
    First Goldie would be sitting on Snowball’s head, then Snowball would be sitting on her head. Rufus stood a little way off, acting like the grownup older dog he was.
    Once in a while, Snowball would run away from Goldie and start to dig like crazy underneath the picnic table.
    â€œSnowball’s a terrier, all right,” Lizzie said. “Terriers love to dig.”
    â€œI think that name is going to stick,” said Charles. He thought about how happy that would make Mrs. Peabody. If only she could meetSnowball! Maybe it would make her feel better about missing Bruno.
    â€œI bet Mrs. Peabody would
to meet the new Snowball,” he said. “It’s not fair that dogs aren’t allowed at The Meadows.”
    â€œBut some dogs are,” said Lizzie. “When my class was there I saw a sign about therapy dogs visiting every month.”
    â€œWhat’s a therapy dog?” Sammy asked.
    â€œIt’s a dog that goes around with its owner. They visit hospitals and nursing homes and anywhere that people need company or cheering up,” Lizzie explained. “A therapy dog has to have good manners and special training, so it knows how to behave around sick people. I read all about them in my
Dogs on Duty
    Charles rolled his eyes. Lizzie was always reading about dogs. Then she explained every single fact she had learned. Still, this was interesting news. Charles had never heard about therapy dogs before.
    â€œRufus could be a therapy dog,” said Sammy. “He has great manners.”
    â€œThat’s true,” said Lizzie. “Goldie and Snowball could probably be therapy dogs, too. Then Snowball could visit Mrs. Peabody!”
    â€œI like that name, but Snowball’s not visiting anybody, looking like that,” said Mrs. Peterson. Charles and Lizzy’s mom had just come out into the yard with the Bean, and she was looking at the Westie puppy. “Didn’t he used to be a
    Sure enough, the little Westie pup had gotten so muddy that he looked brown instead of white. Goldie was a mess, too.
    â€œNow that you’ve named the puppy, maybe it’s time to give him a bath,” suggested Mom.
    â€œTubby!” cried the Bean. He loved bathtime.
    â€œCan we give Goldie a bath, too?” Sammy asked. “She’s as muddy as Snowball.”
    Mom started to shake her head. Then she shrugged. “Oh, why not? One puppy or two, how much difference could it make? It’ll be a big messeither
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