SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6) Read Online Free

SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6)
Book: SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6) Read Online Free
Author: Kylie Walker
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rolling down her face, they were happy tears. She rested her hand over the one he had on her belly. She felt so safe and protected with him. He was going to be such a good father. This baby was one lucky kid.   “He...or she really is a miracle. I thought that I’d never be able to have children, and it’s funny because I thought that was actually a good thing. I thought that I didn’t want children. But the second she said I was pregnant...I wanted this baby more than I’ve ever wanted anything...except you...I wanted you this badly too.”
    He kissed her again and said, “Now you have both of us.”
    “Now I have everything. I love you, and thank you too...for him, or her.”
    Derek put the side rail down on her hospital bed. Chloe scooted herself over and he lay down next to her. He’s such a big guy that it was a tight fit...but neither of them cared, they wanted to fit tightly together. They were still laying like that a half hour or so later when the doctor came in. Derek jumped up like a teenager caught by his parents. The doctor only smiled indulgently.
    It was a female doctor. She was wearing green scrubs and he long black hair was tied back at the nape of her neck in a low pony tail. She had large brown eyes and the easy smile of someone visiting an old friend.
    “Good Morning Chloe. I’m Dr. Singh. I did the surgery on your arm, but we never actually got an opportunity to meet.”
    “Hi doctor, thank you.”
    She smiled a white, toothy smile. She looked like she was only about Chloe’s age and when she moved around the side of the bed to shake Derek’s hand; Chloe thought she looked like a sleek little black cat. She smiled because when she’d pictured the person who had worked on her arm, she had the image of an elderly white man for some reason. This little woman was the exact opposite of that. Derek introduced himself as they shook hands and the doctor said,
    “So, you had a very deep cut that went along this way,” She showed them a diagonal pattern on her own arm from just above the wrist to the antecubital area in front of the elbow. “It went through your skin, tissue and muscle, taking out arteries, veins and even nerves with it. We repaired first what was life-threatening, which was the major arteries. We re-routed some of the veins and then we closed up the tissue and the muscle underneath it. You do have some nerve damage there but with time and therapy, your other nerves will learn to send impulses to different muscles and the use of your arm and hand should eventually return to normal. You might have numbness and tingling at first, but that will also go away with time as the arm heals. Does that all make sense? Do you have any questions?”
    “Is there going to be a really ugly scar there?” Chloe knew that wasn’t the most important thing...but so far most of the scars she’d had to live with could at least be covered up and forgotten for a while.
    “There will be scarring, yes. There was no way to avoid it. The cut was made with a serrated edge...that means jagged so it wasn’t a clean line. But the good news is that before you leave we will have the plastic surgeon meet with you. There are lots of great things he can do so that you don’t have to live with the scarring forever.”
    “I don’t have insurance.” Chloe didn’t mean to say that out loud, but it was definitely something that had been on her mind once she was fully alert.
    The doctor smiled and said, “I realize that. But what you do have is a guardian angel.”
    Confused Chloe said, “I’m not sure what you mean.”
    “Someone has authorized the hospital to do whatever you need and it will be paid for in full.”
    The doctor shrugged. “The financial office made those notes, so that’s as much as I know. Count yourself very lucky, Chloe. You’re alive and you’re obviously loved.”
    Chloe looked at Derek. He shrugged. “It wasn’t you?”
    “No. I wish it was. I didn’t get here until
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