They really have no way to disguise their emotions. And they feel each of them with great intensity. There’s no mistaking a happy dog, right?”
“That’s true.”
“Also no mistaking a sad or lonely dog, a dog down in the dumps, so to speak.”
“That’s true, too.”
“And there’s other things you need to consider, Grace. I mean, I can’t plop you down directly on Luke’s doorstep. I’ll get you as close as I can. And there’s absolutely no guarantee you’ll ever meet him during your entire time as a dog on earth. So that’s one thing to think about.
Another thing is, you’ve actually lived as a dog quite a few times. And that’s important to keep in mind, because a great deal of life experiences, as you know, involve suffering. Now, suffering in life can advance a soul quite a bit, for a multitude of reasons. We won’t talk about that too much now. But for you, as a dog, you may suffer quite substantially. Now, considering all this, do you really want to go back to Earth?”
“Okay,” he said the word, with a slow release of breath. He certainly didn’t sound enthusiastic. He sounded like someone who knew they’d just lost an argument.
“Well then, there’s some more things we need to talk about. Like I said, typically you’d already be going through your assessment right now. It always helps. It changes your perspective on everything and explains it in a way that leaves you with absolutely no doubt that things are happening exactly as they should. But you’re not taking that route.
Think of it this way. You’ve just spent an entire lifetime swimming across a vast ocean. And after this exhausting journey, you reach your goal. You’ve made it to the other side. And on the other side, this amazing island waits for you. A perfect paradise. Here you are, ready to walk out on land, finally out of the ocean, away from the choking salt, the sharks, the storms and the pain. But instead of stepping out onto the land, you’re choosing to turn right around and swim back. Does that make sense?”
“Only in extraordinary situations would we allow someone to do this. Only when an attachment is so great that a person is literally paralyzed and cannot move on. You understand?”
“And you’re absolutely certain that you want to get back in and keep swimming?”
“Okay. I can make this happen for you.”
Her eyes searched his and dug in deep.
“How will I find him?”
His heart ached for her. He wanted to set the rules aside, throw her over his shoulder and carry her into the assessment hall. She was suffering for nothing.
“Well, I told you what the chances were. Think about it. You’ll be born as a puppy into any number of situations, good or bad. You’ll have to grow up a little. But I would imagine, at some point, your dog GPS will kick in. They all have it. I’m sure you know. A dog can track down his owner from great distances. I’d be willing to bet yours will be pretty extraordinary. But even if you find him, Grace, he won’t know it’s you. And you won’t understand why you love him so much.”
“I get it.”
“Okay, so let’s talk about how this works. Transference, or the process of moving in and out of life on Earth, well, that’s always been difficult for you, Grace. You are brave, certainly, but the moment of transference, for you, brings with it a pretty intense panic. So we’ve developed a way to help you with that problem. Actually, it was your own suggestion. You just don’t remember right now, because you haven’t” –
“I know, had my assessment.”
“So why do I have such a hard time with it?”
“Well Grace, you are an immense concentration of energy and light. And when you move on, you’ll understand that with that state of being comes incredible freedom. Freedom in a way not truly