Castle of Katharine, Princess Dowager, Camden Society, vol. LXI (London, 1855), xv. See also M. J. Lechnar, ‘Henry VIII’s Bastard: Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond’, PhD Dissertation, West Virginia University (1977).
15.Raphael Holinshed, Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (Henry Ellis, ed., 6 vols, 1807-8).
16.George Cavendish, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey (S. W. Singer, ed., 2 vols., 1815) , iv., p.108.
17.Lancelot de Carles, La Grande Bretagne devant L’Opinion Francaise (G. Ascoli, ed., Paris, 1927), lines 53-4.
18.William Forest, The History of Grisild the Second: A Narrative in Verse of the Divorce of Queen Katherine of Aragon (M. D. Macray, ed., London, 1875), pp. 52-3.
19.J. W. Luce (ed.), The Love Letters of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn: With Notes (London, 1906), p. iii.
20.G. E. Cockayne, The Complete Peerage (V. Gibbs, H. A. Doubleday, D. Warrand, T. Lord Howard de Walden and G. White, 13 vols, London, 1910-59), IX, pp. 219-22.
21.Ibid; XII, pp. 249-57.
22.Warnicke, Rise and fall , p. 88.
23. Cal. SP. Spanish IV i, pp. 189-90.
24.Edward Hall, A Chronicle containing, the History of Henry the Fourth and the Succeeding Monarchs to the End of the Reign of Henry the Eighth, carefully collected with the editions of 1548 and 1550 (Henry Ellis, ed., London, 1809), p. 760; Correspondence du Cardinal du Bellay (Scheurer, ed.), I, pp. 108, 110; LP IV, iii, 6011.
25.See Warnicke, Rise and fall , pp. 1-3.
26. LP, 4/3, 6199.
27.David Starkey, ‘From Feud to Faction: English Politics 1450-1550’, History Today , 32, 11 (1982).
28.See Barbara Harris, ‘Women and Politics in Early Tudor England’, The Historical Journal 33 (1990), 259-281.
29.Barbara Harris, ‘The View from My Lady’s Chamber: New Perspectives on the Early Tudor Monarchy’, Huntingdon Library Quarterly 60 (1997), 220.
30.See Laura Gowing, ‘Women’s Bodies and the Making of Sex in Seventeenth-Century England’, Signs, 37 (2012); Laura Gowing, ‘Women, Status and the Popular Culture of Dishonour’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6 (1996), 225.
31.Gowing, ‘Women, Status’, 234.
32.Barstow, Witchcraze, p. 136.
33.Martin Hume (ed.), The Chronicle of Henry VIII (London, 1889), pp. 8, 44.
34. Cal.SP Ven., 1527-33, 294-5.
35. LP, 5, 1059.
36.Charles Wriothesley, A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors, from 1485 to 1559 (William Douglas Hamilton, ed., 2 vols., 1875-77), I, pp. 17-18.
37.Hall, Chronicle, II, p. 233.
38.Cited by Joanna Denny, Katherine Howard: A Tudor Conspiracy (London, 2005), p. 57.
39. Cal. SP. Spanish IV ii, 934, p. 429; V, i, 122, p. 355.
40.See, for example, Anne Somerset, Ladies in Waiting: From the Tudors to the Present Day (London, 1984), pp. 9-33.
41.Lisle Letters II pp. 528-31.
42.See Byrne, ‘Birth and childhood’.
43. LP, IX, 308.
44.Warnicke, Rise and fall, p. 146; Baldwin Smith, A Tudor Tragedy, p. 31.
45. LP , VI, 1528.
46.Wriothesley, Chronicle, I, pp. 27-29.
47. LP , VIII, 1105.
48.Warnicke, Rise and fall , p. 171.
49.Cited by H.F.M. Prescott, Mary Tudor (1952), p. 307.
50.See Eric Ives, The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn (Oxford, 2005), pp. 190-1.
51. LP, V, 907.
52.George Cavendish ‘Metrical Visions’ in The Life of Cardinal Wolsey and Metrical Visions (S.W. Singer, ed., 1825), p. 42.
53.Lancelot de Carles in G. Ascoli, La Grande-Bretagne devant L’Opinion Francaise (Paris, 1927), lines 209-13.
54.Harris, ‘My Lady’s Chamber’, 247.
55. LP, VII, 556; Lisle Letters , II, 175.
56. Cal.SP Span., V, 90.
57.There is some dispute about the queen’s second pregnancy. See Ives, Anne, pp. 191-2; Warnicke, Rise and fall, pp. 173-77; G.W. Bernard, Fatal Attractions (Yale, 2010), pp. 74-5.
58. LP, VII, 476.
59. Cal.SP Span., V, 127.
60. LP, VIII, 111, 174, 327, 355.
61. LP, VIII, 263.
62.Ibid, IX, 802.
63.Ibid, X, 142.
64.Anthony Fletcher, ‘Men’s Dilemma: The Future of Patriarchy in England 1560-1660’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Sixth Series 4 (1994), 80.