will Vanessa, but your body is telling me to stay with you and take you places you have never been,” he whispered to me.
I nodded, I had no words to give to him and quite honestly I could hear nothing but his voice, feel nothing but his heartbeat and want nothing, but to feel his want for me.
He lowered and pressed against me and I took a staggered breath, he reached up and pulled my dress from my shoulder and kissed my skin gently and then I felt a pinch, followed by a burning sensation and I pulled my legs up as Hunter broke through my skin with his sharpened teeth. I pushed on him for a moment but he caught my wrists and held them tightly as he continued to feed on me. I opened my mouth and he broke free of my shoulder and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth and I could taste metal, iron to be exact and he started to move on top of me and harden against me. I moaned as he slipped his leg in between mine and spread them apart, still holding my wrists tightly. I arched my back as he reached up and grabbed both of my wrists with one hand and took his free hand and lowered it between us. He snaked his fingers inside of my panties and found me wet and waiting for him. He sighed at my mouth and closed his eyes as he gently slid one finger into me and then another and I groaned and struggled a bit, but he was careful to not go too far, not yet. I hissed as he pushed a tad bit deeper and he licked his lip and stared at my expression.
“Oh my god,” he whispered as he let my hands go and grabbed at my face and throat and kissed me harder letting one finger explore and the other found my clit and started to move slowly. I shook slightly and he held me tightly.
“Vanessa, can I take you?” he asked me and I nodded without hesitation, I cannot say if it was free will or a charm he held over me but all the same I wanted nothing less and everything he could give to me.
I nodded and he moaned as he reached down and tore my panties off easily and I jerked slightly as he tossed them aside. I grabbed at his face as he reached down and placed his hand on his hard shaft and gently pressed it against me and then it started to slide into me and at first it was a slight pressure and then as he lowered it started to hurt more, he pulled my wrist up as I moved from discomfort and he bit into me, I screamed as I took the rest of him deep inside of me and he tried to divert the pain to my wrist, but quite honestly I wanted it and it felt so overwhelming and normal to me that I was shocked to be enjoying it as I was. He looked into my eyes as I narrowed them and gritted my teeth and he started to move, slow at first and then thrusting harder. I grabbed the back of his hair and pulled on it harder and harder as he thrust himself deep into me and then I started to move my hips and get into a rhythm along with him. He grinned and gritted his teeth too and a low growl rose from his throat.
“Harder,” I whispered into his ear and he suddenly flipped me over and pulled me up, facing away from him and slid his hard shaft into me from behind. I cried out as he leaned forward and grabbed my shoulders. I felt him inside of me, thrusting over and over again and then it started to happen. A feeling started to rise in me, low at first and racing across my stomach in waves. I made a noise unlike any I had ever before and he slowed down, finding a rhythm that made me cry out more and more.
“Vanessa…” he said as I lowered down and he held onto my sides tightly.
“Let it come over you.”
I shook my head ‘yes’ and then he pushed me down and spread my legs wide and reached between us and slipped his fingers into my ass. I gripped my pillow and screamed into it as he thrust against me harder and harder, moving his fingers in unison. I suddenly screamed out and so did he and as the orgasm took everything from me, he tore into my neck with his teeth and took me to a place I had never been too before and someplace I would never be