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Hunter's Blood
Book: Hunter's Blood Read Online Free
Author: Rue Volley
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    I rolled onto my side and almost fell off of the bed as my fingers took me to the end of my orgasm and Hunters cock filled my mind as it had that night.
    “Fuck!” I said as I stood up, swaying on feet and so pissed off that after all of this time, 111 years to be exact. That is right, 111 fucking years of thinking about him and his cock and the way it filled me up that night and ruined every sexual experience I have had since.
    “Hunter!” I screamed out as I knocked everything from my vanity and make-up, perfume bottles and pills went flying everywhere. I calmed down momentarily when the phone rang again and I stood up and stared at it. I then decided to see who and why and saw that it was once again Rachel. I pressed the button and sighed as she took a moment to talk.
    “Vanessa, get dressed now,” she said and I stood up straight and looked at the mess on my floor.
    “Why?” I said.
    “I smell Hunters scent.”
    “What the fuck?” I said half out of breath.
    “Get dressed you grumpy bitch and meet me downstairs in 10 minutes.”
    I laughed and she did not, telling me she may be serious and not messing with me.
    “Rachel, I am not in the fucking mood for games.”
    “Shut the fuck up and get down here,” she said as she hung up on me.
    I stood there in shock a bit. I mean I have dreamt of finding him for so long. Of telling him how I hate him for making me this way, for ruining everything after him. For making me this thing, this sexually deprived beast that craves sex and blood. He did this to me, Hunter did…111 years ago when he fucked me and shared his tainted blood.
    I shook my head and then ran to my closet and grabbed a dress from a hanger quickly and a pair of heels. I slipped the black dress over my head and let it settle on my body in all of the right places. I leaned down and placed one red high heel on then the other and stood up, shook out my hair, letting it settle on me too and headed to the door. I stopped as I hit the lights and sighed, hoping this was true, hoping she had picked up his scent because I could not. I suppressed my ‘vampire’ urges with diet pills and Rachel just went full throttle fucking and eating at will.
    I ran out onto the street in front of my apartment building and waited, I would have expected her to be here by now but instead a cab pulled up and idled empty in front of me. I leaned over and looked at the man behind the wheel and shook my head.
    “What is this?” I yelled at him.
    “Vanessa?” he yelled out to me.
    “I was sent to get you and bring you downtown.”
    I narrowed my eyes and tapped my heel on the asphalt.
    “Oh yeah? By fucking who?” I asked him.
    “A man, a man who told me to tell you that two fingers are better than one, which I think is just fucking nasty but to each his own you know? He gave me a 100, so why should I give a shit what you freaks do?” he said.
    “Two fingers?” I said as I stood there and thought about it and the memory flashed through my mind of Hunter bending me over. I sucked in my breath.
    “Hey!” I said as I approached the car and swung the door open, I leaned in and stared at the cabbie.
    “What did he look like?”
    “He looked like a man with a hundred dollars in his fucking hand.”
    I got in and adjusted on the seat.
    “Black hair, pale…cute as shit?” I asked him.
    He looked in his mirror at me.
    “I am not gay or into that three-way freaky deaky shit, I got me a nice little honey at home with a round ass who enjoys me.”
    I leaned back and rolled my eyes.
    “Oh you fucking wish…did he look like that or no?” I said. He said nothing. I reached into my purse and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and waved it high enough for him to spot it. He turned and snatched at it and I pulled it back from him, raising an eyebrow.
    “He was cute, like that…with the dark hair and shit…yes.”
    “Name?” I said.
    “Bob…but the ladies call me Bobby,” he said, as
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