The sexy stockings were held up by four garters of black satin. Her ass was covered, not well, by black sheer lace boy shorts. It was a cheap attempt at making her look like a cat, it was more like a role-play session in the scene. She had on black sequence cat ears and a soft fuzzy cat tail that swayed with built in wire. She wiggled her ass, turning to the side and watched it move back and forth. Lucy wanted to giggle. No normal cat would look like this. Her gaze took in her full hips, and generous breasts. She was stuck in this curvy body, yet she was petite, and short. Nearly everyone in her life towered over her. This get up, being submissive, made her feel like the sexiest woman alive.
She looked up at her reflection. Her eye make-up was done meticulously. The kohl that lined her eyes swept out to make them very cat like. The shadow was in golden tones. Millie had applied it generously and it made her eyes look like giant emeralds glowing back at her. She looked good. That she couldn’t deny. Her thick blonde hair was curled in a ringlet mass, and brought up to pile atop her head. Little tendrils spilled free, a couple brushing her shoulder. Reaching for the mask her friend had got her, she took a moment to admire it.
It was beautiful.
Where Millie had found something so delicate, yet expensive looking, she didn’t know.
She didn’t ask.
It was black and silver. Tiny little rhinestones swirled with the silver glitter. It covered only the top half of her face. Her lower half would be free. Her lips open to kiss. Lucy let her mind wander to thoughts of Tom. Would he play with her? Would he know it was her? She was ripped from her internal musings as Millie burst through the bathroom door.
“Oh my god! I look so slutty it is hilarious. God I wish Brad was here,” Millie turned around and moved her spill of curls to the side. “Can you zip me, please?”
Lucy smirked as she zipped up the naughty maid uniform Millie had found. She was in six inch hooker heels, and the same thigh highs and garters. Millie bent over and Lucy squealed in shock.
“Is that a thong?”
Millie’s creamy, perfectly shaped bare ass moved out of view as she straightened. Turning to give Lucy a mischievous expression, she shrugged.
“Yes, I mean, there is no reason I can’t get laid. Brad is at war. The man looks at me like I’m thirteen. I still have needs, Lucy.”
“Yeah, but Tom—“
“Tom needs to get over himself. He acts like I’m ten. It’s worse. No, grab that mask, get it on, and let’s get going. I’m hankering for a spanking. Let’s see how bratty I have to be to get one,” she winked and darted out of the room.
Lucy gave herself one last once over. She filled her purse and secured the mask over her face. Letting out a sigh, she turned and followed the sounds of Lucy hollering about how much fun this Halloween would be.
Tom stepped out of the shower. The cold flooring made him rush to the tiny bath rug, where his feet warmed quickly. His taut skin languished under the million water droplets as they slipped down him like tiny streams on a window. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he brushed his damp locks back. He was in a quandary. Firstly, he was tired. His body still ached from the last two days. Secondly, he wasn’t sure he wanted to spend time with a stranger. Sure, Rob would have invited faces he’d know. But he was choosy. Tom had one woman on his mind. Lucy .
The problem was that things seemed to be working against him tonight. He’d rung Millie twice to cancel. He’d even rung Lucy to see if she was going to the party. But neither of them had picked up. Even Rob’s number was engaged on both occasions he’d rung. It was as if he was meant to go.
The heat in the bathroom began to stifle him. The moisture level was making it hard to breathe. Without drying himself or grabbing a towel, he entered his bedroom. Much better, however the cooler temperature made his skin tremble. His