anything?” Fiero asked. He tapped his temple to punctuate how he thought Mac would have seen .
“I’m not a fucking transistor radio!” Mac shouted. His chest heaved, rising and falling in rapid succession. “I can’t just tune into whatever channel I want to see. It doesn’t work that way!”
Echo hurried over to his friend and wrapped an arm around Mac’s shoulders. “We’re going to find them, okay?” He looked at Hex and glared. “Now do you see what happens when you keep secrets?” he asked dangerously.
Onyx wasn’t exactly happy with their leader either, but it wasn’t the time to start arguing. “We need to talk to Lorcan.”
Echo closed his eyes and groaned. “That had better not be another secret ex-lover, or I promise you, I’m about to become really freakin’ celibate.”
“No.” Hex scrubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath. “He’s the alpha of the local pack.”
“Pack of what?” If there had been any more ice in Echo’s voice, the room would have frozen over solid.
“Coyote shifters,” Onyx answered when Hex merely continued to stare. This had gone on long enough. “Lorcan is a good guy. You met him.”
Echo’s eyebrows drew together, and he mumbled under his breath for a few seconds. “That huge guy from the party that owns a flower shop in town?”
“Yep. That’s him. If he knows anything, he’ll help.”
“He seemed really nice when I met him.” Echo’s brow creased further. “Why would you want me to stay away from him?”
“Oh, it’s not the coyotes that we’re worried about,” Hex answered. “The pack doesn’t live in town. They have a little community set up a little ways west.”
“Hex,” Echo growled. “Would you just spit it out already? I think I’ve proven that there is very little that I can’t handle.”
Onyx agreed. He was all for protecting their mate, and keeping him away from undue stress, but Echo had a right to know—especially after the things that had happened to him in the past few weeks. “Just tell him, Hex. I don’t know why it’s such a big goddamn secret anyway.”
Hex nodded curtly before returning his attention to Echo. “Lorcan informed us a few days before the party that there were some newcomers to the town. He thinks they’re running from something, and a couple members of his pack have gone missing. Not to mention regular townspeople.”
“You mean humans,” Echo deciphered. “Okay, so that leads me to believe that these drifters are not human.” He rubbed at his temples and sighed. “Hex, please, I’m begging here. Can we cut through all the bullshit and just get to the point?”
“They’re vampires, Echo.”
Echo didn’t say anything for a long time, and Onyx could tell their mate was turning over the information in his head. He could practically hear the wheels turning.
“That’s why you immediately thought I had been changed when you found me,” he said slowly. “I would imagine that Ares planned it that way as well. If I’d had died like I was supposed to, you would have ripped the town apart to find out who did it.”
Onyx wasn’t sure whether to growl at the idea of someone hurting his mate, or smile at Echo’s perceptiveness. In the end, he settled for a little snarl. Hey, at least his lip curled upward.
“So, everyone that has been here is from Lorcan’s pack, huh?”
The warriors all nodded.
“It would have been easier if you’d just told me.” Echo huffed and shook his head. “Okay, we’re going to talk about this later, and about how it’s stupid to keep things from me. Right now, I want to know what’s going on and why everyone is missing.”
“We’ve been pulled in six different directions for the past few months,” Onyx began. “When we invited the shifters to celebrate your birthday, we didn’t even think about Jet and Pax. I’m sure they’re pretty eager to learn more about the local pack after being isolated their entire lives.”