I’d say that’s not the case.”
“We were just coming to find them,” Syx admitted. He pulled at his blond hair and sighed. “This is bad.”
“You think they left?” Onyx ground his teeth together to keep from growling. “How could they just slip out without any of us knowing about it?”
“It’s not like we exactly keep tabs on them like we do Echo,” Myst answered indignantly.
“Keep tabs on who?” Fiero strolled into the room, shoving a chocolate cupcake into his mouth. “Wha’ goin’ on?”
Without looking Fiero’s way, Onyx reached out and smacked the warrior in the back of the head. “Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
Fiero opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out to show off the gooey glob in his mouth. Then he shut his lips and swallowed before smiling roguishly at Onyx. “Yes, Mother.”
Onyx cuffed him in the back of the head again. “Have you seen the shifters?”
Shrugging, Fiero sauntered over to the sofa and plopped down on the cushions, sprawling out as though it was no concern to him. “Nope.”
“What about the bloodsuckers and Craze?” Myst asked slowly. “Have they been around?”
“Haven’t seen ’em in a couple of days,” Fiero answered distractedly while he flipped through the channels on the television.
Onyx tensed. “Gage, Mac, or Sony?”
“Saw Mac this morning,” Syx said immediately. “I haven’t seen Gage or Sony, though. Mac looked like shit, and he didn’t say too much.”
“Son of a bitch,” Onyx growled. “Split up and check the house. We’ll meet back here in five minutes.”
Five minutes later, everyone was back, Syx dragging Mac along behind him. Mac knew something, but he wasn’t talking. He wouldn’t meet Onyx’s eyes either. “Call Craze.”
Syx pulled his cell phone from his pocket and began dialing.
“I’ll get Hex,” Myst offered and turned to jog back up the stairs.
“I’ll go find the others.” Then Fiero disappeared as well.
“Straight to voice mail.” Syx flipped his phone closed and stuffed it back in his pocket. “I really do not have the patience for this shit right now.”
That was saying something considering Syx had to be the most patient and easygoing of them all. “Do you think they left on their own?”
“Well, I sure as hell don’t think someone walked in here and took them without any of us knowing,” Eyce said, following Fiero down the staircase. “I can’t believe Craze wouldn’t tell us, though. He knows how dangerous it is.”
As one, they all turned their eyes to Mac. “You need to tell us what you know,” Onyx said. “Why would you just let Gage go like that?”
“He didn’t tell me he was leaving,” Mac whispered, finally lifting his head to meet Onyx’s gaze. “I woke up, and they were gone.”
“Then why didn’t you tell someone?” Syx asked gently.
“Gage left a note. He said for me to stay in our room, that he’d be back soon, and not to tell anyone.”
“Did it say anything about where he was going?” Hex asked as he and Echo followed Myst into the room.
Mac shook his head. His eyes were red and puffy, glittering with unshed tears. “No. I’m sorry.”
“When did they leave?”
“The night after the new moon. I woke up the next morning, and they were gone.”
That had been the night Onyx and his lovers had gone down to the kappa pound to have a little time alone. It had been a nice night, warmer than usual. They’d fed cucumbers to the kappas, made love under the stars, and just enjoyed spending some uninterrupted time together.
“What about the others?” Syx asked. “They’re all missing.”
Mac shook his head again. “I don’t know. Someone please tell me what’s going on. Are they okay?”
“I don’t think so, Mac.” Onyx wished he had better news for the little man. If Gage had thought to be back before anyone noticed, and he’d yet to return, that could only mean things had not gone as planned.
“You haven’t seen