Diane Greenwood Muir - Bellingwood 06 - A Season of Change Read Online Free

Diane Greenwood Muir - Bellingwood 06 - A Season of Change
Book: Diane Greenwood Muir - Bellingwood 06 - A Season of Change Read Online Free
Author: Diane Greenwood Muir
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Friendship - Iowa
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Polly to ask a question, but she remained silent. He seemed to recognize that she wasn’t going to push him and he continued. “She’d been crying a lot. When Miss Albert asked why she was crying, she said her mom was sick.”
    Polly held her breath. She wasn’t sure what to expect next, but didn’t want to stop the story. Luke was beginning to squirm a little and before she knew it, he jumped out of Andrew’s hands and took off for the bedroom.
    “Yes Andrew.”
    “I’m just going to tell you.”
    Polly didn’t say anything, but sat forward in her seat.
    “I asked Rebecca what was wrong with her mom and she told me that her mom was really sick and that her boyfriend just took off and didn’t care whether she got out of bed or not.”
    “Is he mean to them?”
    “Well, he’s not very nice to Rebecca, but I think he hurts her mom sometimes. I’m not supposed to tell anyone because her mom made her promise not to say anything.”
    “Oh Andrew. I’m sorry. Do you know how long she’s been sick?”
    He shook his head. “No, and Rebecca said she’s worried.”
    “Is she seeing a doctor? We need to get her some help.”
    He looked up at her in shock. “No! I promised I wouldn’t tell.”
    “But if she’s sick and the boyfriend isn’t there to help her, who will? We’re supposed to take care of each other.”
    “I know.” He looked down at the floor. “But she’ll never trust me again if I tell someone else. She’s my best friend!”
    Polly smiled and took his hand, “Tell me what you like about her. What makes her your best friend.”
    He pulled his hand back and sat straight up on the sofa, his face lightening up and becoming animated. “She’s awesome and she loves to draw. Sometimes she’ll draw pictures about the stories I write.”
    Andrew jumped off the sofa and ran over to his backpack. He pulled out a notebook and ran back, dropping it in Polly’s lap. “Look. You’ll see.”
    Polly opened the notebook and flipped through a few pages of stories until she came to an illustration. It was a beautifully rendered image of a zombie walking down an empty street. The walls of the buildings were cracked and crumbling and the street behind the zombie was filled with potholes. Everything in front of the zombie was still pristine. The girl understood the story very well.
    “This is really terrific, Andrew. I’m impressed!”
    “I know! She’s the only person who wants to read my stories. And she’s pretty and she’s smart. She knows about as many words as I do. She is really good in math, too, and helps me figure things out when I don’t get it.”
    “She sounds pretty wonderful. How come I haven’t met her?”
    “Her mom won’t let her go anywhere after school. She always picks her up and they go home.”
    “Does she have any sisters or brothers?”
    “Rebecca said her baby brother died a few years ago. He was really sick, too.” Andrew looked up with worried eyes, “Is her mom going to die?”
    “I don’t know, honey. Only a doctor can tell us that.” Polly patted his knee and then handed the notebook back to him. “Has Rebecca always lived in Bellingwood? Have you two been friends for a long time?”
    “She moved in just before school started. She doesn’t like very many people.”
    “You are certainly a perfect friend for her, Andrew Donovan. Do you know where she lives?”
    He nodded his head, “I think so.” He pointed toward the front of Sycamore House. “It’s over across the highway back there. She said it’s a little green house.”
    Polly took Andrew’s hand. “Come on, let’s finish these cookies. Tell me what Rebecca looks like.”
    Andrew bounced along behind her, his energy level increasing with every step. Polly knew exactly how he felt. Once the secret was out and someone else knew what was happening, the pressure inside was gone. Now if she could just figure out how to help this little girl and her family.
    Polly put the next sheet of
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