The Kazak Guardians Read Online Free

The Kazak Guardians
Book: The Kazak Guardians Read Online Free
Author: C. R. Daems
Tags: Science-Fiction
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themselves at my expense. During his description of the Kazak school and its training, Jianyu watched us carefully. I would have bet that he knew what each of us was thinking.
    "Lynn, I know of only two other women over the many years of the competition who had the ability to be a Kazak. They both decided, prior to the fifth challenge, that the life of a Kazak wasn't for them. Gabe already knows that life isn't for him but seeks the skills that Kazak training would bring him." Jianyu seemed concerned when he looked at Gabe; he seemed resigned when he talked to me. "The training you will get at the Kazak school will be little more than what you would learn here, unless you survive the first five challenges. After that, the training changes and your survival depends on avoiding serious injury. Or being killed."
    Gabe sat there in shock. I don't think he had thought it through. Glory had a steep price.
    "I know you don't believe I'll make it through the five challenges. Nor do I. And I doubt I would like the life of a Kazak; nevertheless, I have to see the school and experience it, no matter how stupid." Gabe shrugged. I knew he intended to go, no matter the cost.
    "I've told you what I know. You each go, knowing the consequences of that decision." He turned toward me. "Lynn, I hope you find what you are looking for." He gave me a small bow. At first, the bow bewildered me. Students bowed to Master Jianyu. He didn't bow to students. Then I realized what he saw. He had looked into my mind and knew I saw the Kazak Guardians as a way for me to survive. I didn't care about the consequences and he knew it. The nightmare of my younger years and the abuse of the Assassins could never be forgotten. I had only learned to go through the motions of living a normal life. I needed a cause that obliterated Lynn as a person-a life dedicated body and soul to something challenging, worthwhile, and rewarding. Death would eliminate the need. The Kazak Guardians would achieve that goal.


    Two weeks later, Gabe and I waved goodbye to Las Vegas. I had withdrawn five hundred dollars for expenses and opened a checking account into which I transferred fifteen hundred from my savings account. By creating a separate account, I could only lose fifteen hundred if I were coerced into using my ATM card. I threw a small going-away party for my roommates at the Four Queens' Chicago Brewing Company. I wasn't sure whether they were going to miss my share of the rent money or me the most.
    "Lynn, that's the dumbest thing I think I've ever heard. I know you take some kind of kick-ass class, but spending years fighting men only to risk your life for a bunch of rich people seems stupid," Sue said after a sip of her third Bacardi Zombie. The other four nodded their heads in agreement. I admit it sounded stupid, but it was all I could think about since Gabe and I had talked with Master Jianyu.
    "Some of us dream about being singers, or dancers, or marrying someone rich. I'm dreaming about being a Kazak."
    "Marrying a rich dude sounds good to me," Mary said while chewing on a shrimp loaded with cocktail sauce.
    "I'd like to be a singer," Sally said, gazing off as if she could see herself on the stage singing.
    Although I hadn't formed any close relationships with my roommates, I would miss them. We left late, singing boisterously all the way back to the apartment.

    It was midmorning by the time Gabe and I turned onto Interstate 15. We planned to spend the night in Nephi, a leisurely six-hour drive. While Gabe's Hyundai Tiburon looked beat up, it was comfortable and the miles flew by. Neither of us talked much. I sat trying to envision the Kazak school, its masters, and the seven years I hoped to stay. I thought Gabe was probably thinking of the weapons and fighting secrets he would learn. We stopped at the first town we hit in Utah, St. George, for a bite to eat, and were off an hour later. I should've been anxious to get to the school. Instead, I
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