hospital administrator if he didn’t allow Ryleigh to leave. Dr. Scarborough looked a little surprised but acquiesced just the same. Aunt Vera always got her way and would never take “No” for an answer.
She turned smugly to Ryleigh and said,” Now dear, let’s get you to your new home.”
A new life… and new beginning?
Her new home. Ryleigh couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Aunt Vera was not just beautiful, but, she was rich as her outfit indicated. And she just wasn’t rich. She was extremely wealthy. Rich beyond Ryleigh’s wildest imaginations. Ryleigh couldn’t believe the size of her house.
Vera’s home was replicated to look like a castle. She was a fan of renaissance Europe, medieval knights, and chivalry. It showed inside and outside of her home. Outside the brick work and masonry were completed with exquisite attention to detail. Arched doors and corners to the home built to look like watch towers. Large two-story windows etched with stained glass artwork. The front door custom built to seem as if it were thick wood and wrought iron was used in detail.
Ryleigh stood in the foyer half in disbelief as she marveled at the marble flooring. Her eyes continued to drink in her surroundings mesmerized by all in front of her. Never in a million years would she ever have imagined herself in a place like this. It made her a tad uncomfortable and placed her well beyond her own comfort zone.
Vera’s butler, Siegfried, stood in the entryway. He turned clearing his throat, “Miss Ryleigh, this way to your room please.” His direction was given as dryly as Ryleigh imagined a butler of this stature would say to her. As she followed Siegfried, she noticed that for as old as he appeared, his countenance did not betray his age.
Ryleigh followed him up the stairs. She knew she would have more time to explore her surroundings – eventually. She was grateful to be out of the hospital and longed for a normal bed.
Siegfried led her upstairs to her room and as she entered could feel her jaw drop open. Her room could have fit into the one she was standing in at least three times over. The bed in the center of the room was twice the size of her old bed and covered by a pumpkin colored chiffon canopy that flowed like a waterfall over each of the bed posts. The furniture intentionally placed around the room enhanced the dynamics and brought it together. Tones of rich mahogany matched the fall color scheme of reds and orange with the surrounding fabrics and throw pillows. Ryleigh’s favorite colors were a deep red and burnt orange; they made her feel safe and warm inside. Her room at home was decorated in the same colors and she loved it. Having a room decorated similar provided a little peace inside and helped to not feel so foreign.
The large picture window across the room from the doorway was surrounded by a built-in bench lined with soft pillows.
Siegfried set down Ryleigh’s luggage, “Please, take your time and rest for a bit. I will be back to assist with putting away your things.” He gestured toward the bed.
Ryleigh grimaced, “I’m really not that tired.” Although she was exhausted, she didn’t want anyone telling her that she needed to take a nap. She wasn’t a two-year old.
Siegfried held his hand to stop her from speaking any further, “Miss Vera says you need to rest, I suggest you heed her commands.”
Ryleigh was a little taken aback. Siegfried left and pulled the door behind him. She heard a latch close and stood there for a moment before walking to the door. Locked.
Anger welled from the pit of her stomach and she pulled on the door handle. Ryleigh felt like calling out and screaming to be let out that instant but stopped